Breaking: BBC cancels the next Cardiff Singer of the World

Breaking: BBC cancels the next Cardiff Singer of the World


norman lebrecht

July 26, 2024

The BBC announced today that it cannot put on its international singing competition next year, due to prolonged building work and other issues at its regular venue, St David’s Hall. The next contest will take place in 2027.

St David’s shut 10 months ago with roof problems.

If this were football, it would be like cancelling the Cup Final for a couple of years because Wembley let in rain.

If this were football, the BBC would find another solution.



  • Robert says:

    Stupid Welsh. They have the Zmillenium Centre with the theatre and concert hall in it. – do what is the problem?

    • Elizabeth Owen says:

      Don’t be rude Robert

      • Rachel says:

        Why is that rude? So get another venue. Pathetic reason for cancelling a prestigious event in the classical music calendar
        Would they cancel Glastonbury or Knebworth?

        • Kenneth Griffin says:

          Rachel, Glastonbury took a fallow year in both 2012 and 2018, and Emily Eavis has announced that it may well do so again in 2026. These fallow years are taken in order to restore the site. The festival doesn’t “get another venue” in these years.

    • V.Lind says:

      Something tells me it is not about the building…

    • Evans says:

      Stupid Robert. Why is it that, with some people, the first stop is racial slurs. That said, I cannot believe that a solution cannot be found.

    • Maria says:

      The Welsh are far from stupid!

    • Leon says:

      Don’t be so abusive and stupid. This is a political issue, not an excuse for idiots to insult the Welsh.

  • bored muso says:

    This has been known about now for several months.
    Typical of the Beeb and Cardiff City Council (who should hang their heads in shame over this) that they’ve left it just before the annual holiday shut down to make the ‘official’ announcement to bury the news as everyone departs to the beaches
    The feeble excuse of st Davids Hall being closed is nonsence as there are plenty of other available halls in Cardiff where the competition could be held.
    (Hoddinot hall, RWCMD to anme but two) no, it’s the unwillingness by Cardiff Council to support the arts financially that has resulted in this tragic loss on the musical arena.
    Not far behind being lost is Welsh National Opera, and can the Welsh still now claim to be the land of song when this happens?

  • Kenneth Griffin says:

    In addition to making yesterday’s announcement, the BBC also published the Invitation to Tender to produce both the Gala Concert in October 2025 (in lieu of the usual competition) and the next Competition in 2027. Worth a read, as an indication of future planning.

  • Officer Krupke says:

    The British establishment no longer cares for classical music, and the majority of the public have no idea what it is.

  • mike says:

    i think it has run its course

  • Brian says:

    Plus the quality of the “second orchestra” did not do the competition any justice last year.

  • Guessed Again says:

    I believe I commented months ago on this site that I hoped the issue with St David’s Hall wouldn’t be used as an excuse to cancel CSotW, but I said it more in expectation rather than hope, so “I told me so”… There MUST be appropriate alternatives. Apart from suggestions elsewhere, at worst couldn’t it be moved over the border just this once? “Cardiff Singer of the World on Tour”! Think of the potential hiatus to the careers of prospective competitors. It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC also found an excuse to cancel the “Young Musician” competition.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Ridiculously short-sighted. Clearly, they don’t want to find a solution. What about the Millenium Centre or the RWCMD as ‘bored muso’ points out?

  • Jonathan says:

    Shame there are no other large venue for orchestras and singers in Cardiff…

  • Aine says:

    Very poor. If it was talentless rubbish with Ant and Dec they would easily find a way.

  • DE says:

    It’s not like Wembley letting in rain, it’s like the roof risking a collapse. Also BBC don’t plan the cup final.

  • Ellingtonia says:

    It does beg the question that if this competition is so “prestigious” why isn’t any other concert venue in the UK prepared to step in, albeit on a temporary basis as I presume The BBC would come up with their part of the costa.

  • Ann Williams says:

    StDavids hall shud be knocked down, ugliest theatre in the UK, if not the world.

  • Mark Mortimer says:

    A depressing sign of the times.

  • George says:

    Have a look at Wales following years of dysfunctional devolution.

    Bottom of the league by almost every metric. The blueprint for the new Starmer government. England is next.

  • Daniel Reiss says:

    WNO has a home, or has WNO been canceled, too?