Boston reshuffles conducting team

Boston reshuffles conducting team


norman lebrecht

February 08, 2024

The Boston Symphony Orchestra has hired Anna Handler as assistant conductor.

Handler, a recent Dudamel Fellow at the LA Phil, replaces Earl Lee, who is coming the end of a two year term.

The other assistant conductor is Samy Rachid.

Handler, who is German-Colombian,will make her debut at Tanglewood this summer.


  • Save the MET says:

    Don’t know about Handler, but Samy Rachid is the real deal and will be a big name down the line. Watch his videos, he’s terrific!

  • Achim Mentzel says:

    It’s no problem getting the job if you’re represented by the same agency as the music director of the orchestra. You literally don’t need any qualifications at all.

  • GuestX says:

    A new appointment to replace somebody whose term is ending. Reshuffling?

  • Dihn says:

    Why not hire fransisco noyya? He’s awake and very pc