LA Phil picks four Dudamel Fellows

LA Phil picks four Dudamel Fellows


norman lebrecht

July 22, 2023

The next set of conducting apprentices are:

Anna Handler (Germany-Colombia)
Ross Jamie Collins (Finland-UK)
Carlos Ageda (Colombia)
and Michelle de Russo (Argentina).

Of the previous intake, Rodolfo Barráez will stay on as Assistant Conductor next season.


  • Adista says:

    No surprise, DEI/ESG in full effect.

    • guest says:

      If you have not worked with them, or even seen them conduct, you would not be able to tell whether the opportunity given is merited or politically motivated. But yes, thanks to people like Alex Ross all non white male choices will be second-guessed, unfortunately. I’m certain a man of his intelligence knew this is the inevitable reaction, so I can only conclude he and his ilk have been perfectly happy to undermine the credibility of people that are not white men.

  • J Barcelo says:

    A token American would have been nice.

    • Rodrigo says:

      100 percent! The fellowships are funded by US donors.

      It’s a fair assumption that the downthumbs on this comment are from non US conductors or musicians who think it’s perfectly fine for the US to exclusively supporting the careers of non US conductors.

      Since these down thumbers are probably readers from Spanish speaking countries who frequent this site who also benefit most from Dudamel’s skewed generosity, let’s ask: how many US conductors is YOUR country supporting? Fair is fair.

      • Rodrigo says:

        Ooh, already a down thumb on this comment! So why not tell us – what is YOUR country doing to support US conductors?

        ¿Qué hace su país para apoyar a los directores de orquesta estadounidenses?

        ¿Está pagando su educación con becas? ¿Da preferencia a los directores de orquesta estadounidenses sobre sus propios talentos nacionales con becas pagadas por donantes de su país? ¿Contrata a directores estadounidenses para dirigir sus orquestas?

        ¿Por qué creen que está bien que los Estados Unidos den preferencia a los directores de su país sobre los nuestros cuando ustedes no hacen lo mismo con nosotros?

        Curious minds want to know!

  • Halle says:

    Mr. Agreda was very lost during the Siemens competition! Does not breathe! I hope he learns in LA! His videos from Curtis on Youtube are hilarious! He should take those down.

  • zandonai says:

    affirmative actions in the classical arts. no whites need apply.

  • Rodrigo says:

    Not one US fellow! Furthermore, the German Handler is on US scholarship to Juilliard so the US is also paying to educate her.

    The US is paying to train & launch the careers of conductors from every country but our own.

    Is there no oversight when Dudamel systematically excludes US candidates like this? This isn’t the 1st time he’s done this.

    Even more problematic is that he tries to do the same thing when he hires players into the orchs he’s heading. He did it in LA & you can be sure he’ll try it with every new position in NY: US candidates need not apply. Thank God for orch committees & the union which can keep him somewhat in check. He needs this same oversight & checks & balances with his Fellowship choices.

    He’s not even making good choices much of the time, so let’s not hear that old battle cry. Some of his choices in LA have catastrophic.

    Dudamel invariably favors candidates who from Spanish speaking countries. He tried to hire a Principal Oboe from Spain who lasted less than 6 mos. He hired a Principal Flute from France who didn’t last much longer & insulted the orch publicly when he left. I think there’s one Principal Wind in LA Phil left who’s from the US which is disgraceful considering the enormous no. of highly qualified US wind players who are underemployed. No other country in the world treats their own conductors & musicians like this.

    Dudamel isn’t God. He’s a poor Venezuelan kid who got a break. Now he’s systemically excluding conductors & musicians from the country that gave him that break from any opportunities he controls. That’s evil. It’s hypocritical. He’s using US money to support & create careers for his friends & people he personally feels are worthy. They aren’t even the best. Donors should call him out on this. Orch administrations the same. And yes, committees & the union should keep him in check. Dudamel doesn’t play fair.

    • Rodrigo says:

      To the down thumbers: I ask this sincerely – why is it OK for the US to be funding a conducting fellowship which doesn’t help US conductors?