Berlin Phil ex-concertmaster adopts the Beatles Blackbird

Berlin Phil ex-concertmaster adopts the Beatles Blackbird


norman lebrecht

February 23, 2024

The Israeli violinist Guy Braunstein is releasing ‘Blackbird – Six Variations on a Theme of John Lennon & Paul McCartney for Solo Violin’ on Youtube tonight.

Along with publishing free sheet music, Braunstein is calling on fellow violinists to join his “Blackbird Challenge” by adding their variations to his own.

In June, Braunstein will release an Abbey Road Concerto. Braunstein, 53, left the Berlin Phil in 2013 to focus on a solo career.


  • OSF says:

    He’s a fabulous violinist. If you’re on the DCH check out his Brahms Concerto from about 2010; it’s as good as anybody’s.

    Amazingly, Berlin Phil CM was supposedly the first time he had ever played in an orchestra.

  • PHF says:

    Well… the important thing is to be happy, maybe he is.

  • Ted says:

    Really good, he’s totally in the zone with those variations!

  • Nancy says:

    Phenomenal violinist

  • Lora says:

    Beautiful stuff!!!!!

  • V.Lind says:

    Very fine. But how come he gets to do a variation on a popular song without criticism when other musicians who go popular in any way come in for a slagging?