Maestros and their motorcars (7): Carlos Kleiber’s Audi

Maestros and their motorcars (7): Carlos Kleiber’s Audi


norman lebrecht

January 21, 2024

In 1996, Kleiber was asked to conduct a concert hosted by Audi in Ingolstadt. He said he would do it only if he was paid a small fortune and given a 3.7-litre A8 Quattro Tiptronic with around twenty optional extras.

He got it.


  • opus30 says:

    If he was really smart he would have also negotiated an extended warranty.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    So much for keeping art and mammon separate… 😉

  • ET says:

    Actually, he asked to buy an A4. But the sales rep that took the call realized with whom he was speaking, called in his boss, and they somehow managed to negotiate with CK to conduct a concert for 100.000 DM and an A8. I guess it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. He was, however, very sad that the press dragged him through the mud calling him a prostitute. It’s all documented in Charles Barber’s book.

  • Dominic Stafford. says:

    He preferred to drive to engagements hence the car…

    • Petros Linardos says:

      I believe his only post-Ingolstadt engagements were in the Canary Islands and Cagliari. Thereafter I remember joking with a friend about hoping that Kleiber would need a new car…

  • Player says:

    Is this the very motor he drove? I think not…

  • Tom M. says:

    He got it because he deserved it.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    To my knowledge the car was all he got by way of remuneration. Win win/no tax!!

    Today the quality of that vehicle would be rubbish.

    • Alex says:

      The quality of that car was and is outstanding! An other coductor I personally know drives the same car since 1999 and in the meanwhile for more than 340.000 kms.