Finns promote Estonian baton

Finns promote Estonian baton


norman lebrecht

January 03, 2024

Savonlinna has appointed Mikk Murdvee as artistic director of its orchestra, a confusing title.

He’s a former concertmaster at Helsinki National Opera.


  • Jaakko Haapaniemi says:

    No. It is the Savonlinna orchestra. Nothing to do with the opera. No. Mikk plays in the 1st violin section in the Finnish National Opera Orchestra. Not as the concert master.

  • Janne Ikonen says:

    Savonlinna has a professional string quartet which gives also concerts with local (and non-local) professional and non-professional musicians = Savonlinna orchestra. They have a conductor titled as artistic director.

  • Mikko says:

    It’s not a proper orchestra, it’s a string quintet made of local music school teachers of a city of 10.000 inhabitants. Even as a Finn, I had never heard of that orchestra until today, apparently precisely for that reason. They play like 3 concerts per season. Hardly enough for him to give up his tutti violinist job. Why is something like this mentioned here as worthful news?

  • Fact right please says:

    Not a former concertmaster at FNO. Tutti 1st violin (and still is).