Well-known musician is found dead in London church

Well-known musician is found dead in London church


norman lebrecht

December 14, 2023

The vicar of St Matthew’s, Bayswater, found the lifeless body on Tuesday morning of a senior teacher at a girls’ prep school in Notting Hill. The man, 52, had been responsible a few hours before for the school’s nativity play in the church.

He is understood to be a professional musician, well known in London’s orchestra community.

His name has not yet been released for publication.

Here’s a report in the Mail.


  • Singeril says:

    Why in the world would you post this without knowing a name…thus leading to all kinds of conjecture? This is nearly as bad (if not worse) than reporting somebody dead (when the person is still living). Please get better standards.

    • Maria says:

      Same reason as the Daily Mail and other national papers have not published the name. It is how we function in this country until nearest and dearest are informed first and the body is formally identified. The name will follow.