Grammy winner: I cut school to seek out musicians

Grammy winner: I cut school to seek out musicians

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

December 23, 2023

David Krauss’s guest on Speaking Soundly is the Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Madison Cunningham. Coming from an inward-looking pastoral family, she conducted the church choir at 17 and was scarred by the experience. ‘It sucked,’ she says, ‘they did not respect me at all… but I had a job to do and understood harmony. They were not very nice to me.’

All else aside, she is a phenomenally virtuosic guitarist.

Listen here.

And watch this.


  • David A. Boxwell says:

    Conductors don’t get respect. They earn respect.

  • Mecky Messer says:

    Virtuosic guitarist?

    Once one thinks people cannot be more obvlivious or detached from the real world…

  • Phil says:

    In my opinion, a contemporary singer/songwriter who is comfortable in a meter other than 4/4 is already part of the 1% Club.