Death of an electroacoustic pioneer, 97

Death of an electroacoustic pioneer, 97


norman lebrecht

December 31, 2023

The French composer Francis Dhomont, a pupil of Nadia Boulanger, had a lightbulb moment in 1963 and dedicated the rest of his long life to electroacoustic music. Some consider him the true discoverer of musique concrete.

Dhomont, who died on December 28, shuttled for many years between his home in France and the university of Montreal, where he laid the foundations of Canadian electroacoustic music.

He lost an eye as a boy during the German occupation of Paris. ‘I had lost my right eye but I had found a vocation. As long as my health would permit me, I would then undertake serious musical studies and do nothing else. This is how I became a composer,’ he said.

Listen here to his music.


  • John Borstlap says:

    The link does not work.

    Here is some Dhomont (with moving score):

    It’s not music, it’s sonic art. ‘Klangkunst’.

  • Hunter Biden's Laptop says:

    No one cares.

    • Herr Forkenspoon says:

      You must be no one.

      • Hunter Biden's Laptop says:

        That couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve been part of an internationally recognized ensemble for many years, and even as a featured ensemble member on national broadcast. The fact is that this dead guy, whoever he was, and you people, aren’t making music anyone cares about. You’ve retreated up your ivory towers to sniff your own farts and relish in your own superiority with an audience of no one but yourselves. Good luck with that.

  • P. Terry says:

    Rather disrespectful.