Anti-vax conductor makes orchestra pay

Anti-vax conductor makes orchestra pay


norman lebrecht

December 28, 2023

David Lockington was fired in 2021 as music director by the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra after refusing to submit to Covid vaccination. Lockingron, 61, said he was a Christian Scientist and the jab violated his relgious beliefs.

He sued the orchestra for religious discrimination, demanding unpecified damages and reinstatement. Earlier this month,, the case reached the Los Angeles Superior Court where a representative of the orchestra informed the judge that the case had been settled out of court.

No details have been disclosed but there is no sign that Lockington, 62, has got his job back.

Court report here.



  • May says:

    Good for him. Glad that he got both the judgement he deserved and he got his job back.

    • Bone says:

      Relieved to see the appropriate results in litigation. Hope many more lawsuits are filed and won.
      Govt oppression should never be cheered.

    • SoCal says:

      The article doesn’t state he received his job back…
      The symphony is selecting a new MD this season with six conductors.

    • Ziggy says:

      Agreed. To the 62 down votes; you must drop the dogma. Vaccinations did NOTHING to prevent the spread of COVID-19, nor did they provide immunity. It’s okay. You can admit you were wrong. And worse misled..

      • Steph says:

        Ziggy, they’re not supposed to stop the spread. It stops you from dying when you get it.

        Remember all those people spluttering to death on their fronts in hospital, pre vaccinations?

        Do you ever ask yourself why it’s become just a sniffle, instead of a deadly virus?

        • johnw says:

          At last someone with a brain! john

        • Ali says:

          Steph, it was absolutely supposed to stop the thread. There are numerous instances in 2021 of top journalists (Rachel Maddow, for example) telling us that if you get the vaccine, you don’t get sick AND you can’t spread it; “the virus stops with you, if you’re vaccinated,” was repeated on quite a few newscasts.

          Even President Biden made the claim.

          Moreover, “stopping the spread” was the exact reason for every orchestra’s mandate.

          Think about it; it’s highly unethical for an employer to mandate a prophylactic medical procedure meant purely for the recipient’s health. (My body, my choice, right?) But that’s exactly what they did.

          As for the virus being a cold, for many of us who declined the shot, the virus was a cold back in 2021 and early 2022. The expected track of a virus is that, as it circulates, it becomes more contagious but less deadly. That’s pretty much how viruses survive.

          It was well known early on that there many susceptibilities to severity and complications of the virus:
          Old age
          Chronic lung disease
          Chronic kidney disease
          Being on immunosuppressive medication

          Interestingly, all of these are associated with vitamin D deficiency, and several studies found vitamin D deficiency in the vast majority of patients hospitalized with Covid.

          Almost all studies on vitamin D as treatment for Covid found that it was effective. (The only one that didnt was the study that gave an enormous amount of D ten days AFTER hospitalization, so way too late.)

          So heck, why didn’t employers mandate that employees get their D levels checked, and address if necessary? Or lose weight, if they were morbidly obese? Those are factors that are controllable, right? And why didn’t employers allow unvaccinated patients who could prove immunity (easy to do with antibody blood test) to keep working?

          The emphasis on compliance rather than on reasonable and science-based precaution is very disturbing.

        • Anti - Woke says:

          Oh right, repeat the gov agenda on loop like a parrot!
          Everyone remembers that the way the vaccinations worked according to “sCiEnCe” was changing every day to fit the agenda, god they even changed the definition on wikipedia and locked the page so noone can edit it, one day it said “the vaccines prevent the disease”, then “the vaccines prevent the disease but not always”, then “the vaccines do not prevent the disease but make the disease.lighter”, and the BS continued until nobody knew what was true or false.
          I am very very happy that Mr David Lockington was able to win the whole situation! Hoping to see many many more of These cases.

      • David says:

        It’s beyond me that you have absolutely no faith in the millions of researchers and doctors all over the world, much more qualified than you are, who would completely disagree with your statement. You choose to believe that somehow, everyone cooperated to “mislead” the mass, when in fact we can’t even cooperate on basic dire issues such as climate change or world peace. But of course, with vaccines, everyone’s motives align globally and they manipulated us! And scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, social scientists etc are all in on it!

        If you have such little trust, then I suggest you not consult a doctor when you’re sick, or profit from any government funded services, including healthcare, education, public roads and infrastructures, internet, etc. etc. It should put your mind at peace

        • Edward says:

          Where can I get more of the Astra Zeneca vaccine I was co-erced into taking? Oh wait…..

        • Ali says:

          Your position is awfully extremist, and you seem to ignore the fact that we WERE misled: we were told the vaccine would absolutely prevent infection and transmission. It did neither.

          The claimed efficacy of 95% came from prelicensure studies — where ONLY symptomatic infection was assessed. That was a problem, because fewer than 1% of EACH test group — vaccine or placebo — had symptomatic infection.

          So the manufacturers reported relative risk reduction, not absolute risk reduction (which was actually less than 1%).

          Worse, they didn’t even collect data on asymptomatic infection. So they had no idea how many from the vaccinated/placebo groups were infected — and infectious.

          The issue here is not whether the there was manipulation, or cooperation, or some bug conspiracy theory.

          The issue here is that they were WRONG, and refuse to admit or take responsibility for it.

          Painting all critics as conspiracy theorists is just making it all worse.

        • Nova Pilbeam says:

          Stop making sense, silly man. Don’t you know that reading a few blog posts and watching fox makes one an infectious disease expert/virologist?

    • shksprth says:

      No one is that religious.

      • Not that religious says:

        Except for those who wanted to excommunicate and ban from society the heretics who weren’t members of the Church of the Holy-But-Incapable-of-Preventing-Transmission Vaccine.

        They sure act like they are that religious.

  • Corno di Caccia says:

    A case of Lockington Down??

  • Serge says:

    Money should be given to everyone who were harassed for not taking the vaccine. And it should be paid from the pockets of all those who decided to live out their inner Gestapo officer dream during the pandemic .

  • zayin says:

    God is against settling lawsuits.

    There is not a single case in the Bible.

    You either smite your enemy or you turn the other cheek.

  • PL says:

    how to end your career in ten easy steps…..

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Perhaps he needs the money to cover the exorbitant price quote from a salon regarding eyebrow trimming

  • Alan says:

    Christian Scientist

  • Brian says:

    To call a Christian Scientist “anti-vax” is a little misleading. They regularly forgo all sorts of medical treatments that non-church members treat as normal. I, for one, am glad to see that the courts still uphold religious freedom in this country. (You will notice that no one has bothered the Amish about getting vaccinated, because the authorities know they would rather be imprisoned.) It turned out that this vaccination didn’t stop the pandemic at all, despite the claims. It was a completely unnecessary governmental overreach.

    • shksprth says:

      The amish were hit very hard in Lancaster and Holmes counties. They may be willing to go to prison but they don’t sue to get rich after their feelings are hurt.

  • Pulped Fiction says:

    67. Lockington is 67.

  • Stephan says:

    If there was no other way to get rid of this moron, so be it! His refusal to get vaccinated could have put all orchestra members at risk of getting COVID, or worse, dying from it.

    • May says:

      Calm down. The vaccine didn’t prevent transmission as was hoped. Plus everyone was wearing masks. Everyone that died didn’t just die from covid, they all had several comorbidities. Covid just sped up the process.

    • Charlotte Halton says:

      It doesn’t stop transmission, you very stupid person.

    • Alphonse says:

      If you’re looking for a moron, Stephen, you need only look in the mirror, you insufferable little authoritarian.

    • Helene says:

      Omg… really? You are saying it as if it hasn’t been three years and we know way more. As if no one who was vaccinated got Covid. Time to stop drinking coolaid. I was at a Broadway performance in 2021, they let unvaccinated people in with a negative test. So I brought mine. I had covid a month before and didn’t want to do the shot. A famous TV commentator was sitting literally in front of me. He is of poor health and publicly said he was both vaccinated and boosted. So for him it was enough to show his proof of vaccination. This was on Saturday . Monday it was announced on his program that he had covid. So he waved his Vax card and was sitting in a theater full of people while already getting sick while I recently recovered and was not a danger to anyone but had to show a test. Apply logic! I can’t believe people still operate in those terms.

    • Guest says:

      Please stop. The “vaccines” are NOT vaccines at all. They DO NOT work. Evidence? Look at Joe Biden. He’s had C19 3x and he’s up to date on all those worthless, turbocancer causing, myocarditis creating MRNA change your DNA shots!! If you bought the crap that FRAUDCI et al sold you and you did NO RESEARCH on your own, you deserve one of the above conditions! Although I would not wish that one anyone! NEVER TAKE ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN RESEARCHED FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS OF TRIALS!!!!

      • Alan says:

        And you got your medical degree from…….?

        • Anthony Sayer says:

          …and all the pro-vax coreligionists got their superior wisdom from…?

        • Cardfael says:

          Insurance actuaries are now sounding the alarm. They’re seeing a 45% increase in excess deaths of working age adults and they’re not dying from Covid. It starts in January of ‘21, the month the vaccine is rolled out. The trend continues to this day. You don’t have to be a scientist or doctor to see what is going on here. Besides, being forced to undergo a medical procedure against your will is a violation of the Nuremberg code, punishable by death.

      • Just saying says:

        “…turbocancer causing, myocarditis creating MRNA change your DNA shots.” ???

        Reading internet blogs whose unschooled opinion coincides with yours is not “doing research on your own”. It’s just reading internet blogs whose opinion coincides with yours.

    • Scott says:

      Wow Stephan please join us in 2023/24. This shot doesn’t stop transmission nor anyone from getting it.

    • PaulD says:

      I got the booster jab and returned from an overseas trip with a mild case of Covid. Under CDC guidelines, I was infectious. So, the jab did not prevent my getting Covid or eliminate the possibility of spreading it to others. Perhaps it did make its symptoms no worse than a mild cold or allergy.

      • OSF says:

        And that last sentence is a very good reason to get the vaccination. Because you’re now alive to post these comments (as am I).

  • Harry Collier says:

    Thanks goodness I don’t have any “religious beliefs”, except for the music of J.S. Bach. About time all “religions” were made illegal. Nothing but trouble.

  • Helene says:

    Dear Norman! When you chose to use ‘anti-vax’ in the title, you already express an opinion, it has certainconnotation. Maybe you meant to do it, but why not be less polarizing? Perhaps, ‘A conductor who refused to get a covid vaccine…’ would have been more weighed and reasonable?

    • Christopher Clift says:

      Hang on Helene, the top of this article talks about the conductor who is against vaccination (the reasons are not important) but what IS important is that anyone reading the piece understands from the start what HIS (the conductor’s) stance is. And I fail to understand how YOUR version of the headline is any less ‘polarising’ than Norman’s

  • Couperin says:

    Good, pay the ignorant moron and move on.

  • Couperin says:

    Nothing like a Covid post to bring the true psychos out of the woodwork. The research is pretty clear that vaccines brought deaths way down. All the dumb stories that dumb people trot out about myocarditis etc.. in the grand scheme they’re anecdotal. And I KNOW someone who sadly had myocarditis from the vax. What can ya do?

    • magicalpig says:

      The psychos are also apparently unaware that while myocarditis is a potential, rare side effect of vaccination, it is a much more common side effect of covid19

  • Save the MET says:

    Lockington is now done as a conductor. No orchestra in their right mind would hire him based on the suit. Lots of young unemployed and underemployed maestros out there who can take on any position he would apply for.

  • Michael says:

    I am glad that so many people are now realizing that the Covid vaccine was (and is) a sham, and a very dangerous one, as it causes huge side effects. Unfortunately, too many doctors and medical scientists chose to play along. I hope we will find out the truth sometime, but it’s not going to happen very soon.

  • M.Arnold says:

    Actually, the religion should be called Christian Anti-Science.

  • drummerman says:

    You say that he didn’t get his old job back. Any proof that he wanted to get it back?

  • Joe Gunn says:

    I did a lot of travel between NYC and Miami being exposed to the vaxed and those to inconsiderate to vax. I did catch COVID twice, each time leaving me with the sniffles. My girlfriend’s nephew, who was a Trumper and virulent anti-vaxer did not. He, about with MANY of his ilk spent his last few weeks swollen twice his size and on a respirator. He now did in an urn on top of a mantle. I am here writing this content. Who was the smart one?
    So see you in hell, you COVID/vaccine deniers. You’ll be getting there first!

    • Herr Forkenspoon says:

      For what it’s worth. My 2 step-daughters and one’s husband were vaxed and all 3 got covid. My wife and I weren’t vaxed and never even had a cold.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      I’m putting a lot of your post down to unchecked autocorrect.

    • Ali says:

      Please tell us what protected those of us who did not get the vaccine, but had only ONE bout of sniffles with a positive Covid test, while you had two.

      Did it ever occur to you that there are many well-known susceptibilities to Covid infection complications and severity that have absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine?

      Are you aware that the early hospital treatment protocol of putting patients who could still breathe on their own and talk was abandoned once it was obvious that this was actually doing far more harm than good?

      Also please explain what is “inconsiderate” about refusing a vaccine that the CDC admitted does not prevent transmission or even infection.

  • Unvaccinated says:

    Should never have happened. Millions died every year worldwide of influenza pre 2020 (stats are online) and yet it was ok to travel unmasked, no flu jab and cough and sneeze all over everyone and everything. Still going on!

    The level of hypocrisy is stratospheric.

    My thoughts are with those that did lose everything, and were killed and maimed by a crazy, unstable medical trial.

    • OSF says:

      In a typical year in the United States, about 80,000 people died of the flu, even with a vaccine people are encouraged to take each year. A lot of people do wear masks to avoid the flu and IIRC flu deaths actually decreased during the peak of COVID because they wore masks to protect themselves from it and it had the secondary benefit of reducing flu deaths.

      In the first year of COVID, about 400,000 people died and when Trump left office about 4000/day were dying from it. Now the death rate is about 10% of that. Thank the vaccine.

      • Ali says:

        OSF, have you ever checked where that 80,000 flu death statistic came from?

        I checked the CDC’s annual National Vital Statistics Reports.

        And the really interesting thing is, prior to 2016, flu deaths and pneumonia deaths were listed separately, and then together as “pneumonia and flu deaths.” Generally, the ratio was about 90-95% pneumonia deaths, and 5-10% influenza, and the vast majority were in the elderly.

        Here, you can look it up yourself. Here are the numbers for 2014:
        See page 43, Table 10. You can see that influenza and pneumonia deaths are first added together, and then listed separately.
        4,605 flu deaths. 1,098 were over age 85.
        50,622 pneumonia deaths. 42,405 were over 65.

        After 2016, the CDC decided to lump flu and pneumonia deaths into ONLY a single listing, without noting the separate numbers. Interestingly, I didn’t see any years where there was a total of 80,000 flu and pneumonia deaths listed.

        I also note that both influenza and pneumonia deaths have significantly increased since the early 2000’s, which is curious, because both flu and pneumonia shots, which were NOT commonly given in the early 2000’s, are now given to all residents of nursing homes, and there are senior flu shot/pneumonia shot clinics every October, covered by insurance and/or Medicaid.

        So you would think that flu and pneumonia deaths would have significantly decreased, rather than increased.

        Health officials have not explained why this is not so.

  • Karden says:

    Stephan: If there was no other way to get rid of this moron, so be it!

    I sure hope you’re otherwise not into the mantra of “My Body, My Choice.”

    Incidentally, one medical procedure *guarantees* the death of a human, the other procedure sure as hell doesn’t guarantee the health or life of a human.

    “My Body, My Choice” can be either inhumane (a whiff of the infamous Tuskegee experiment of the 1930s) or ethical (questioning the integrity of products made by, say, Pfizer, etc).

  • Guest Conductor says:

    Good for him.

  • CRMH says:

    As an atheist, the really interesting question to me is the matter of religious principle. I wonder whether, for example, professional musicians who are observant Jews are on principle unable to play on the Sabbath. I remember vividly the film ‘Chariots of Fire’, in which the devout Christian Eric Liddell declined to compete on a Sunday.

  • Shh says:

    Wow all this time and people still believe Covid isn’t so bad. Definitely one of the most ignorant generations of the century. But rap music is also popular so that makes sense.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      Wow. All this time and people still think COVID was really deadly. Definitely one of the most ignorant generations of the century. But rap music is also popular so that makes sense.

  • Margaret Koscilny says:

    Aside from Covid, what is as distressing is the disdain for people’s right to exercise the tenants of their religious beliefs. Covid brought out the most intolerant behavior in so many people, both for, and against vaccination. I followed the rules, stayed home, masked when I went for groceries, took all the shots and boosters and did not have Covid. My family in another town did the same, except they were out in public, daily, doing their jobs and were exposed, especially, my niece who is a singer and a choral conductor.

    Christian Scientists should be allowed to follow the ideals of his faith without so much unkindness in response. We do not have to be cookie-cutter copies of one another.

    Covid killed over one million people in the US. Most were not vaccinated.

    • Paul Brownsey says:

      “Christian Scientists should be allowed to follow the ideals of his faith without so much unkindness in response. ”

      It’s fine following your religious beliefs provided that, in doing so, you do not adversely affect other people.

  • Crusader Rabbit says:

    When I was a kid, there was a deadly disease that was killing people right and left. Then, after a Herculean effort, scientists developed a vaccine. In those days before the Internet, people didn’t say the vaccine was a hoax, or it hadn’t been tested long enough, or it was government overreach, or it was some kind of communist plot. No, they lined up by the millions to get the vaccine. The result: No more polio.
    Now, however, we are much smarter. Thank goodness.

  • Gerald Brennan says:

    Good for him. May his example be followed by the hundreds of others discriminated against because they studied the issue rather than believing the television.

  • Thank you NHS says:

    This may be a Brit site but the swarms of US MAGA QAnon adherents is fascinating.