Paris Opéra is blacked out again tonight

Paris Opéra is blacked out again tonight


norman lebrecht

November 09, 2023

For the second time this week, the Opéra has been shut by a strike of some of its staff who are taking part in national action.

Last time it was Cendrillon. Tonight it’s Turandot.

Opera in Paris these days is about as dependable as the weather.


  • zayin says:

    Thank God for a strong labor movement, not only in Paris, but in Detroit with the autoworkers, in Hollywood with writers and actors… and they are winning.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      Thank God for uninformed naïvety.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      France has always been a very militant nation. I mean, the people themselves lopped the heads off their King and Queen!! Not too many modern democracies can brag about that.

    • Roland says:

      Unfortunately, many people in Germany and even more in France take wealth and democracy for granted. They strike without thinking twice. This is naive, egoistic and stupid. China laughs about us Western European. When our companies in 10, 15 years are no longer competitive and have been taken over by Chinese (state).companies, there won’t be strikes any more. Unless those striking people are ready to work in labour camps. Welcome to the future!

      • Annalisa says:

        I agree with you, Roland. Having lived in France myself for many years, I can say that the French are such an extremely unhappy and miserable people and they constantly need to express all of their anger and frustration by striking and demonstrating, often violently with extremely uncivilised behaviour. If they really wanted to resolve issues, they wouldn’t need to repeatedly do the same things, striking and demonstrating month after month, year after year.
        The French are the biggest whiners, complainers and time wasters that I have ever encountered and this has, sadly, made them and their country uncompetitive in an ever more globalised world. Add to that their poor levels of education and inability to speak English and other foreign languages with even the most average fluency and you have the recipe for a failed society…and now they have rats and bedbugs everywhere!