Broadway sings out for Gaza hostages

Broadway sings out for Gaza hostages


norman lebrecht

November 09, 2023

Members of the Broadway community came together and recorded a song that they hope will bring attention to the hostages who were kidnapped on October 7, 2023. Together, through music, they pray for their safe release.


  • Douglas says:


  • Universal love says:

    Nice but I wished they had sung for peace. Expressing their concerns for some victims reduces their stage.

  • guest says:

    And for the other side of the story, think of the children with massive burns down their faces, down their necks, all over their limbs with no hospitals, no water, no food, no homes, no sanitation facilities and disease spreading. Many children with limbs amputated but no hospitals in which to recover or ease the pain. Parents pleading for help at the few remaining hospitals that have no supplies. This nurse with Doctors Without Borders describes the situation of that captive population:

    On both sides, this war isn’t about land, security, or anything else, it’s just about hatred with neither side recognizing the other’s right to even exist. The US government and economy are centered around militarism and hegemony, which feeds on this hatred and fuels it. That’s the brutal truth behind Broadway’s one sided sentiments, part of a mindset that will never bring peace.

    • M2N2K says:

      This “story” does not have “the other side” because the tragedy of Gaza is caused fully and exclusively by policies and actions of Hamas and its supporters ever since Israel withdrew from there in the summer of 2005 and culminating in what happened just 5 weeks ago.

  • Carl says:

    How about a song for the 10,000+ Palestinians who have been murdered as bombs dropped on their homes, have had water and food cut off, and the borders closed off so that they can’t leave? That could be a catchy number.

    • Lucas says:

      Bringing them home suggests that Hamas has been defeated and the Palestinians can work towards peace and a legitimate two state solution. But I agree, the song does not address the closure of the Egyptian borders.

    • M2N2K says:

      Maybe Hamas can come up with it since they have created the entire situation.