Some musician responses to the Hamas massacres

Some musician responses to the Hamas massacres


norman lebrecht

October 10, 2023

Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead, pictured): ‘Condolences to the families of the innocent concert goers, children and civilians of all ages murdered, raped or abducted in these massacres. It’s impossible not to despair.’

Madonna: ‘My heart goes out to Israel. To Families and Homes that have been destroyed. To children who are lost. To Innocent Victims who have Been Killed. To All who are Suffering or who will suffer from this conflict. Im Praying For you. I am aware that this is the work of Hamas and there are many innocent people in Palestine who do not support this terrorist organization. This Tragic attack will only cause more suffering for everyone Let us all Pray. For Israel. For Peace. ♥️ For The World.”’

Don McLean (American Pie): ‘It is hard for me to control the emotions I feel for Israel at this time. Having lived in Israel, I remember the neighborhoods I now see being bombed. I knew the people who faced this kind of hatred every day and went to a party every night because life is something to celebrate and it is so precious. Being there changed me forever. I have lived in a different way ever since. I was proud to write the song ‘Jerusalem,’ for the Mayor of Jerusalem and I sing this song every night during shows. On this earth, Jerusalem is at the center of the atom of life and salvation no matter what might be going on anywhere else on the planet.’

Jake Marlowe, murdered by Hamas at the music event, was bassist from of the British hardcore band Desolated.

Igor Levit, pianist:


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  • Supermusiclover says:

    Putin can’t be allowed to continue this war. I don’t understand how people in Russia are not calling for his immediate resignation from power. Ukraine must remain a sovereign independent self governing autonomous country. Shame, for shame.

  • Serge says:

    Only Igor Levit could mention himself ten times in a condolance

    • V.Lind says:

      Don McLean was well on his way. But cut them some slack. It’s a massive event and people feel for those caught up in it. Not that easy to come out with le mot juste. They are just trying to express sympathy for all involved.

    • RW2013 says:

      Should he express his condolences in the third person?

    • M2N2K says:

      Nobody is perfect, but in terms of public statements he is still ahead of those many prominent classical musicians who have not said anything at all publicly about this horrific tragedy yet.

      • anon says:

        The reaction is muted because given Israel’s past behavior and current statements from officials we can all see what is coming. No one wants to be misunderstood in hindsight as providing justification for gross war crimes or be associated in any way with the atrocities about to be committed by the IDF. In this case silence doesn’t indicate acquiescence to terrorists but apprehension towards what will happen next.

        • M2N2K says:

          What “will happen next” is a direct result of what terrorists have been doing since last Saturday and for decades before that.

  • Hilly says:

    Wonder if Peter Gelb has had anything to say on Hamas atrocities. After all he was all over the place on Ukraine , bathing the Met in the Ukrainian flag colors, playing the Ukrainian national anthem before performances. Etc. Juat hope he isn’t going to stage a benefit performance of the “Death of Klinghoffer”Betcha he’s eating himself up alive , he can’t fire , Jan Peerce , Richard Tucker or Robert Merrill.!

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      The best response is to think for yourself and not look/wait for moral lessons from celebrities and musicians.

      The streets of London and Sydney are filled with vile hate-spewing Palestinian supporters who face no sanctions, but mis-gender somebody and you’ll find yourselves before the courts.

  • Tim says:

    Madonna demonstrates much greater moral clarity than I ever would have expected. Barenboim should take note, but he won’t.

    • Both Sides Now says:

      No, you happen to agree with Madonna and you don’t agree with Barenboim. That isn’t moral clarity, it’s you choosing the views of a fading pop star over a respected maestro who’s devoted much of his life to seeing this issue with fairness and understanding.

  • Silvester says:

    Who the heck thinks the world cares what a bunch of musicians think about this?
    Oh, musicians.

    • V.Lind says:

      Why are their views less valid than anyone else’s? Do they forfeit their right to think about issues the moment they pick up a guitar? or speak about them? We express ours here. They express theirs wherever they do, and the media picks up more of theirs than they do of ours, but polls will be taken that also represent the views of the wider society. It is hardly a revelation that it is the views of well-know people that are singled out for mention. Grow up.

  • Please says:

    Did Igor Levit “cry all day”? Is he dehydrated now? Does his heart un-break when he sleeps every night so that it’s all freshly ready to re-break the next day so that he can post about it? Does he spend most of his time crying? He would have us think so.