Light relief: Korean impersonates Dudamel, Gergiev, De La Parra ….
OrchestrasJust when we needed a little smile.
Anyone know his name? Our Korean desk doesn’t work Fridays.
Just when we needed a little smile.
Anyone know his name? Our Korean desk doesn’t work Fridays.
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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Hilarious! Let’s ask him for more: Makela, etc, and, of course, the pianists.
Delightful!!! I believe it was Robert Burns who wrote: Would some power give is the gift to see outselves as others see us! Just one small detail seemed to be missing: Gergiev’s toothpick baton.
…and Lenny’s perspiration.
At some point he’ll tackle the mother of all exhibitionist conductors, Leonard Bernstein …
I guess you didn’t watch the video, he does the ultimate Bernstein: finale of Mahler 2.
Ah, if only internet commenters actually watch/read what they comment on!
If you had watched all the way through, you’d see that his Bernstein is the final and longest impersonation in the video.
Yes, that point would be 3:17 in the video…
He does include an imitation of Bernstein leading the end of Mahler 2.
watch the whole video. he does just that.
His “Alondra” is musically and technically too good to be an imitation of Alondra de la Parra…
Interesting to observe how junior conductors often look like their idols: Harding looks like Abbado, Mälkki emulates Salonen, Sokhiev conducts like Temirkanov, Peltokoski imitates Mäkelä, Kha-Chun Wong looks like Rhozhdestvensky, Payare like Dudamel, Lintu like Saraste, Honeck like Kleiber, Noseda like Gergiev, Mikko Franck like Leif Segerstam, etc…
One might think this is a recent phenomenon which appeared at the same time as television and later video streaming, but that is not the case! Felix Weingartner in his book about conducting already criticises the habit young conductors of the time had of copying not only Van Bülow’s musical interpretation style, but also his conducting style!
I guess the conductors who create their own styles are those that have the most varied ‘diet’ of conducting influences…
Nobody imitates Fritz Reiner, least of all his most famous student at Curtis to whom he gave the only A, Leonard Bernstein, and ironically, no one imitates Bernstein either (ok, except Bradley Cooper)
These imitative pairs do not produce performances that sound like each other.
He is good at playing piano n violin, hilarious
Lahav Shani imitates Barenboim, Thielemann channels some quirks of Furtwangler, and Muti channels some of Toscanini’s authoritarian downbeats.
Meh. Perfunctory impressions. Further, he misses completely Bernstein’s routine beat-ahead stance. I’ve seen much better over the years.
The editors of this site are fixated on the ethnicities and nationalities of the people it “reports” on. What does this person’s nationality have to do with anything? Finn wins this, Korean does that. It’s bizarre.
What was the de la Parra piece?
Marquez Danzon 2 — Alondra‘s party piece (as you see…)
Based on a quick scan of the oldest video on his channel, his name is Tae Young Kwon.
His name is Tae-young Kwon according to his YouTube channel,
It looks like he is doing his PhD in the States.
This guy is a blast. Bis! Bis!
He knows his stuff. Terrific.
absolutely brilliant.
He’s a real pianist and he’s made a video of 5 famous pianists, also on Youtube. Alas, it’s all (comments included) in Korean only. Subtle humor. Living national treasure!
It’s actually uncanny! He’s more like these conductors than they are.
Shame he did not do Klemperer
Would have taken too long with lost interest toward the end…