Cleveland Orchestra will play all day for Israel

Cleveland Orchestra will play all day for Israel


norman lebrecht

October 27, 2023

From loccal media:
Sunday will feature four orchestra concerts. The Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra will don costumes for a “Halloween Spooktacular” at Severance Music Center at 2 pm, the same hour when more than 40 musicians of The Cleveland Orchestra and friends will begin playing A Day of Music for Israel at Temple Tifereth Israel (music continues until 8 pm). The latter concerts are free; no tickets are required; general admission seating.

From the orchestra’s social media:




  • Paul Dawson says:

    I hope it goes well, but how much better it would have been if they hadn’t taken sides.

    “A day of music for Israel and Palestine” would have conveyed a yearning for reconciliation.

    I’d have posted the same if it had been announced as “A day of music for Palestine.”

    • Franz Köln says:

      Just shut up. There is no such thing as “Palestine.”

      • V.Lind says:

        I think, when they refer to “occupation,” that is the very point the Palestinians are trying to make.

        The wording of your reply to Paul Dawson, and the sentiments enclosed, are not helpful.

    • Daniel says:

      There is not “taking sides” when a terrorist organization murders hundreds of civilians, by hand, with unimaginable brutality. I assume after 9/11 you wouldn’t support a concert for US and Al-Qaeda.

    • Yaron says:

      Why not rebrand Holocaust Memorail day and call it “Dead Jews and Dead Nazis Memorial day”?
      Not taking sides is actualy taking sides: Do you approve of what Hamas did on October 7th?
      If so you have no reason to mourn their victims (of who, by the way, many were non Jewish).
      If you do not approve of what Hamas did’ you should be able to mourn the victims without reservation.

      • Both Sides Now says:

        Once again you forget that Hitler’s genocide was not directed only at Jewish people. Millions of non-Jews also perished at the hands of the Nazis. Yet you make it only about your people.

        This is exactly why I find it important to understand both sides of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. There are victims who you are ignoring, just as you you’ve done with those of the past.

        • Daniel says:

          Both Sides – You are rewriting the history… No other nation was targeted for total elimination, but the jews. And as jews we do honor all innocent victims. You will never see jewish protesters celebrating death of other innocent people, burning flags of other nations, chanting “we want a genocide” of other people – unlike “palestine-supporters”, who are full of hate with zero knowledge of the actual reality here. They would hardly even find our country on the map. FYI, many of the kidnapped in the current conflict are peace activists who dedicated their life to help kids from Gaza to get proper medical care in Israel. We are constantly criticizing our army and our government (which is impossible in Gaza as Hamas executed all political opposition). We don’t ignore anyone, but we have to defend ourself against brutal and unhuman terrorists. What would you do in our position?

    • Clevelander says:

      The east side of Cleveland is heavily Jewish and center left. Very little support for Palestine there.

    • Jim Turner says:

      “A day of music for Israel and Hamas/Hezbolla”- there, I fixed it for you, next event at the Temple Tifereth Israel. Israel and Palestine are not fighting at the moment.

  • Guest says:

    It’s clear that this is a musician led effort, not an event being produced by the orchestra itself. Who’s to stop those individuals from exercising their free speech?

    Considering these musicians were to be hosted by Israel for a tour and there was surely a healthy amount of philanthropic support from the Jewish community in Cleveland, it’s logical that some in the orchestra might want to express solidarity.

    • Paul Dawson says:

      Fair point. If I were still living nearby, I’d attend and support – wallet at the ready. I held both the orchestra and the institute in high esteem back in those days.

      I just think they missed an opportunity to put a cherry on the cake.

    • Kenny says:

      That is essentially saying “they know where their bread is buttered,” you do realize….

  • James says:

    Beautiful idea by the Cleveland Orchestra.

  • John Porter says:

    Bravo to The Cleveland Orchestra. I think George Szell is smiling.

  • Z Strings says:

    Nothing like that in Philadelphia. But why isn’t the full orchestra doing this? Is anyone performing the great symphonies of Paul Ben-Haim, or Bernstein, or Bloch?