Italian judge bails out foreign opera managers

Italian judge bails out foreign opera managers


norman lebrecht

September 13, 2023

A judge in Naples yesterday ordered the reinstatement of Stéphane Lissner as Sovrintendente of the San Carlo Theatre.

The judge found that the new Government law aimed at removing opera bosses when they reached 70 was discriminatory and could, in any event, not be applied to a running contract.

San Carlo now has two bosses – Lissner, who says ‘I am available to carry out my duties’ and his successor Carlo Fuortes, who started work on September 1.

At La Scala, meanwhile, legal opinion has it that the new law does not apply to its historically independent constitution. Dominique Meyer expects to continue in charge after he reaches 70.


  • Dixie says:

    There is justice after all in Italy in spite of all of Meloni’s attempts to force her party’s will on everyone! Just in case there is someone reading this who is not up to date with Italian politics, Meloni’s party is Fratelli d’Italia, a descendant of the Mussolini and Co. I hope the ruling in Naples is not overturned by someone sonewhere …

  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    Opera managers are not like surgeons. if they are in good shape and if they make no big mistakes no reason to fire them because of their age. Maybe it was a manipulation of the gouvernment to hire some friends of Meloni. There are also issues with la RAI now.

  • Zarathusa says:

    Nowadays, 70 is the new 30! Thank God the age-discrimination “Italian Opera Boss Law” doesn’t apply anywhere else in the world! Totally ridiculous!