Breaking: Chopin winner jumps ship

Breaking: Chopin winner jumps ship


norman lebrecht

September 26, 2023

Nineteen months after signing with a boutique agency in Hannover specialising in offbeat pianists, Canada’s Chopin winner Bruce Liu has dumped his manager to swim with the big fish.

He signed today with Karen McDonald of K D Schmid.

He said: ‘I am very excited to be part of the KD SCHMID family and work with such an exceptional team; really looking forward to our collaboration as we embark on this new journey together!’

She said: ‘Bruce is an exceptionally talented pianist with a charismatic personality and magnificent artistry. What struck us immediately was his mindful and reflective approach to repertoire, composers and himself as an artist. He has enormous artistic potential.’


  • Couperin says:

    “Enormous artistic potential” = we’re totes gonna profit off this guy

    • Franz says:

      We learn that he is talented, charismatic, magnificent, mindful, reflective, and has potential — all in three bespoke sentences.

    • Ludwig's Van says:

      Well, they are in business, after all. A good manager should be able to discern the long-distance runner from the 7-day wonder.

  • Beat the Hooven says:

    I mean, they were lucky that he signed with them in the first place. Apparently they couldn’t handle it so he changed them. Though, good visibility for the tiny agency in the meantime…I would say. Anyway, looking forward to see him at NYPhill next year

  • Monty Earleman says:

    What a condescending quote from McDonald!! I’d drop her like a hot potato!

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    A very thoughtful, sensitive and intelligent pianist. I wish him well.

  • Hope says:

    What’s wrong to dump the ship when its slow and lazy?

  • WRL says:

    The headline promises a scandalous act, but nothing in the article indicates wrongdoing on the part of anyone.
    Does Slipped Disc’s headline writer want us to hate the pianist or either agency? Here’s wishing all the players in this situation well.

    • CRogers says:

      I like your comment for its simplicity and generosity. If I haven’t read SD or other platforms for a while, I’m really shocked at the amount of cynicism. Life really is too short.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    A business-saavy artist has to ask himself “Does this management want to sign me just because they are hoping my big prize will make their phone ring?” Often that is the case, unfortunately. And when the phone no longer rings, they are told “Sorry, but you’re just not selling.” So, Artists – beware!

  • Sandy Press says:

    Bruce Liu is such a beautiful guy

  • Jim says:

    Shallow, immature and grossly overrated, yet – admired by the crowd.

    Jumping in the “right” direction.

  • Truthbetold says:

    Thoughtful, mindful, reflective, intelligent, sensitive??? This is the guy who shamelessly stated “the perk of joining this agency is that I get to be with all its pretty ladies” when joining his first agency last year. Name a more shallow musician anywhere.

  • John McDonald says:

    When asked, if he could time travel, which period would he want to go to, he said prehistoric because everyone was naked. What a “mindful and reflective” answer. His piano playing is as insensitive and tasteless as his words, extremely overrated pianist…

  • Paul Violin says:

    Looking at the calendar on his website, his former management did an amazing job. They have planned the entire next season, and he will be performing nearly everywhere around the world, which is spectacular, considering that the Chopin competition doesn’t work out for every winner. Furthermore, the other artists associated with this boutique are performing with great success alongside the best orchestras. So, what’s the deal?