Apple crunches a classical indy

Apple crunches a classical indy


norman lebrecht

September 05, 2023

The Swedish start-up BIS was sold today to Apple Classical by its owner Robert von Bahr.

‘Having just turned 80,’ he says, ‘I am excited to announce the rather momentous news that we have made the decision to become part of the Apple family….

‘Apple and Bis also share a fundamental belief in the inportance of preserving audio…

‘Bis will become part of Apple Classical and Platoon… I am even more proud that the entire ppersonnel of Bis, including me, have been retained.’

Following on from Universal’s takeover of Hyperion and its partnership deal with ECM, there’s not much oxygen left out there for genuine, free-thinking independent labels.

No confirmation yet from the Apple orchard.

Pictured: Robert von Bahr with the late Finnish composer Rautavaara.


  • Edoardo says:

    Do Apple also make recordings?

    • soavemusica says:

      It appears this sale confirms that CD as a format is dead. No matter, the availability online may well be better.

      The thing is, I doubt if Apple continues to record music. I also assume people are easily fired, if need be.

      Oh, well. I suggest artists make youtube videos of their own, on their own.

  • IP says:

    Apple? Apple??!! I like their computers, I have 2 of them, but weren’t they the guys who got their acoustic ideal from one Dr. Dre?

  • A.L. says:

    Soon we may have Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos taking over Warner and Universal and the entire universe for that matter. Deathknell of classical? I mean I don’t see Apple giving a flat about BIS should it not become a profit center. And who buys classical anymore? Graffiti is on the wall.

    • Jim C. says:

      I see lots of used BIS everywhere. And then you’ve got eBay and some of the book sites. It’s easier than ever to get what you want. And in most cases, it’s less expensive than original cost!

  • Gustavo says:

    Well perhaps they can jointly invest(igate) and bring this out on Blu-Ray and enable free streaming?

  • UK Arts Administrator says:

    SD readers might blink twice when hearing that the BIS label is a “start-up” as Robert von Bahr’s splendid label turned 50 this year.

    The start-up referred to in the announcement is Platoon, a London-based A&R company focused on discovering rising music artists, which Apple incorporated in 2018. You can read a more detailed statement of the acquisition of BIS by Apple at

  • Mecky Messer says:

    Apple likely spends more money on toilet paper than the market value of BIS.

    Is anybody expecting a press release?

    This is smaller than a drop of water in the ocean.

    The blind delusion of grandeur of many in the classical world is outstanding.

  • Christopher Culver says:

    Shame this had to happen this week. I was just about to order a number of SACDs directly from BIS’s website. Now if you go to, you just see the announcement and a link to streaming/download platforms, but where is the physical media to order? Is BIS entirely giving up on the SACD format now?

    So I guess I’ll have to order these BIS releases from an online record shop, but at higher prices, and presumably less money going to Mr. von Bahr.

  • Robin Mitchell-Boyask says:

    If this means BIS will only be available on Apple Music, it’s a huge loss for those who don’t want to use it because there are better overall services.

  • Harry Collier says:

    BIS, Hyperion, and Naxos were the mainstay of good quality classical recordings, often with little known artists who well deserved to be known. I hope Supraphon still survives.

  • msc says:

    I desperately hope that this means that BIS will only be available through Apple’s streaming service. And, as someone else commented, that physical media will continue to be available.
    But von Bahr has done a wonderful thing and deserves a rest (although I cannot imagine him actually resting).

  • Nicolas says:

    Thanks for answering the question about streaming outside Apple’s services, that’s really good news. Congrats for all your hard work and everything your label has contributed so far.

  • Me, Myself, and AI says:

    Some speculate the idea is for Apple to avoid paying royalties to other labels by boosting the BIS recordings in the Classical app search results. Ted Gioia explains this scheme along with how it fits into a more general and depressing trend.