Watch Renata Scotto’s funeral now from Savona

Watch Renata Scotto’s funeral now from Savona


norman lebrecht

August 20, 2023

It is being live streamed on Facebook:

Presently singing: Somewhere over the Rainbow.


  • SNORRI says:

    If this were a link to some iphone video of Yuja shopping for dresses, you can be sure Slipped Disc readers would be all over it. A superb, celebrated soprano of great refinement dies and barely a peep. Only a clueless “Why?” Last I checked, the vapid remarks of that buxom mediocrity that passes for a pianist about having a kid received about forty responses, the announcement of Scotto’s death fewer than ten. As a culture we wallow in shit. Snark, celebrity worship and insider gossip rules.

    • Andrew says:

      Just wow! One indifferent comment about an artist provokes venomous hatred aimed at two others. I hold Scotto in the highest esteem, but I also have the utmost respect for the younger generation of musicians.

  • Patrick says:

    I very much enjoyed and was touched by the rendition of ‘Over the Rainbow’. Kudos to both soprano singing and pianist. It really seemed to work well in this situation. RIP Renata.