Juilliard hires chamber music chief

Juilliard hires chamber music chief


norman lebrecht

August 18, 2023

The New York school has appointed Merry Peckham, former cellist of the Cavani String Quartet, as its assistant dean and director of chamber music. She succeeds Bärli Nugent, who has held the post for 20 years.

Merry is currently chair of chamber music at NEC and associate director for The Perlman Music Program.


  • Anon says:

    Excellent choice. Merry’s enthusiasm makes every student she ever encounters absolutely love music.
    There are thousands of music students who have been inspired by Merry over the years.

  • John Gingrich says:

    Totally not objective: Great choice. And Barli Nugent was pretty fabulous, too.