All-male final at Mahler conducting competition

All-male final at Mahler conducting competition


norman lebrecht

July 13, 2023

The finalists in Bamberg are:

Taichi Fukumura (US/Japan), 30
Georg Köhler (Germany/Austria), 35
and Giuseppe Mengoli (Italy), 29.


  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    It should be noted, Mr Lebrecht, that it is 2023 and unless the competitors have openly identified as “male” we must refrain from such labels without formal approval or authorization. For all we know one or all of them may be trans or a birthing-human.

    We can say now that three people are in the Mahler people, lest we risk offending anyone.

    The big takeaway: the three of them are older than many of the Young Finns.

  • Gustav says:

    So what?

  • Guad78 says:

    Why are you assuming their genders?

  • Bravo says:

    Worth noting the original distribution of candidates was 16 men to 4 women, so statistically this was not unlikely. (The jury was 10 men and 6 women.) Also clear that, per usual, comments on this site instantly regress to the most irrelevant and reactionary matters. Some need to get their heads out of the sand.

  • Steven says:

    At least it’s not a robot, which was the downfall of the hero(ine) of the last season of Mozart in the Jungle.

  • Novagerio says:

    It’s a competition, not a Disney movie.