Tchaikovsky Competition struggles to form a jury

Tchaikovsky Competition struggles to form a jury


norman lebrecht

June 13, 2023

The Russian government yesterday approved plans to hold the 17th Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow from June 19 to July 1, 2023.

The organising committee co-chair Valry Gerviev said: ‘I believe that the Tchaikovsky Competition has a historic chance to accept apolitically minded bright young musicians, and they only need to think about music, about the profession, about the future, about the composer, Rachmaninov, Chopin, Brahms , Bach. Please. Choose an instrument, there will be an objective jury.’


In a separate message, the Directorate of the Competition said that ‘when the names of the jury members and the participants who passed the qualifying round will be announced, the delay in publishing this information will be explained.’

There is less than a week to go.


  • I beg your pardon says:

    Yes and….Gergiev is right. Amen to his words. Don’t really see an issue here. Do you?

    One week to go…look forward to tuning in to what I’m sure will be an incredible musical and artistic event.

    • M2N2K says:

      What is “incredible” here is that you and people like you “don’t really see an issue” with his bluntly appealing to “apolitically minded” only, which in this context clearly means grossly ignorant and/or those without any conscience at all (because even he understands that others would not be interested in participating).

      • I beg your pardon says:

        Nope. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Apolitically minded means apolitically minded. No further insinuating or implying is needed. Stop adding non existent context to everything – it’s boring.

        • M2N2K says:

          It might be “boring” for you, but I am not trying to be entertaining. On this issue, being intelligent and humane is far more important.

  • Dr Tara Wilson says:

    And what about Medici TV? Are they are again covering the competition? If not, then will it be closed to western audiences online?

  • Dr Tara Wilson says:

    And will Alexandre Kantorow as the (French) gold medalist and Grand Prix winner from the 2019 competition be playing in the Opening Ceremony (as is custom)?

  • Simpson says:

    I suppose they will announce the contestants and the jury at the opening ceremony. Surprise! Or whoever. What a disgrace.

  • Tim Walton says:

    Considering that Gergiev has been in bed with Putin for decades, it is shameful that anyone, jury or participants would go anywhere near this competition.Those that do have no morals as whatsoever.

    • Nomagerio says:

      Tim: “it is shameful that anyone, jury or participants would go anywhere near this competition.Those that do have no morals as whatsoever.”
      – Well, they managed quiet well during the most dramatic moments of the Cold War, and Van Cliburn had no problem winning, only two years after the Invasion of Hungary.
      What is it I don’t get? Are you guys advocating and lobbying for “selective memory”?…

      • M2N2K says:

        You are the one who is “advocating and lobbying selective memory” here. Just to refresh it: the war that Russia is waging now is not “cold” at all and two years after this one is over we might have another discussion.

      • M2N2K says:

        The correct quote (because I would never want to misquote anyone named “nomagerio”) is “advocating and lobbying FOR selective memory”.

  • June Good says:

    While Russia kills Ukrainians and destroys their land, Gergiev and friends who openly support putin’s dictatorship and aggression, talks about apolitical mindset – what a trick!Those who will join this competition (juries and competitors) are the same, silent puppets. Shame to them.

    • Rudolph says:

      I’m sure Van Cliburn was also a silent puppet and traitor of the US also then

      • Andrew Zaplatynsky says:

        Krushchev was not killing thousands of Ukrainians, including women and children, in 1958. Krushchev was not designated as a war criminal.

      • M2N2K says:

        This comparison is grossly misplaced. In 1958, Soviet Union was actually improving its internal conditions compared to the way they were for over three decades before that, and at that particular time it was certainly not invading another country while grabbing large chunks of its territory and mass-murdering thousands of civilians among many other war crimes, so showing some good will toward the Soviets then was quite appropriate, unlike doing so toward Russia right now when it is getting ever closer to its darkest aggressive totalitarian self with each passing year.

  • Virginia says:

    Just read the news. Russia is now a dangerous country, nothing justifies the risk of being in that country at the moment. It has nothing to do with “music”. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time … any justification is good, they can easily put drugs in your bag, or accuse you of espionage/or for saying something the regime does not like, etc.
    I think that young performers should be aware of the risk, here are some examples:

    -US musician, detained in Russia, (a Russian court has detained US citizen Michael Travis Leake, a musician and former paratrooper, on drug charges)
    -Russian authorities arrested US journalist Evan Gershkovich on espionage charges.
    -US marine Paul Whelan is serving a 16-year prison sentence on “spying” charges.
    -American basketball player Brittney Griner was jailed in Russia on drugs charges.
    -The arrest of Shonov, a Russian national who had worked for the US Consulate in Vladivostok for more than 25 years, comes as relations between Washington and Moscow have plummeted amid the war in Ukraine and Russia’s wrongful detention of US citizens.
    -A Moscow court has ordered the arrest of film producer Alexander Rodnyansky and theatre director Ivan Vyrypaev for “spreading false information”
    -Russian journalist and activist Vladimir Kara-Murza was sentenced to 25 years in prison
    -Since Putin sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022, the government has waged a crackdown on dissent UNSEEN SINCE THE SOVIET ERA.

  • Dr Tara Wilson says:

    Medici TV have confirmed that they are not broadcasting the competition. Presumably this means that it will not be available to view online outside of the Russian Federation?

    • Tom says:

      VK, a Russian social networking service, is its media partner. Throughout the competition, VK will be broadcasting live. Regrettably, they have yet to announce who will be performing at the inauguration of the Competition.

  • history repeats itself says:

    Putin’s Russia has crossed a line and Gergiev is actively participating in it, so I won’t be watching the competition this time and would have been very surprised if Medici had broadcast it. His statement about wanting to have apolitical participants is exactly what Putin wants: to exclude anyone who doesn’t agree with him from the political process (which also explains the widespread passivity in Russia, Putin has been very successful with this strategy). If one were to exclude every artist who is not prepared to criticise critical aspects of his government, it would become very empty on the stages, but Russia’s war of aggression is a different category from the conflicts and human rights violations that are unfortunately all too normal in the world. Putin, for ideological reasons, wants to literally exterminate ways of life and people he does not like, with aggression and vocabulary fatally reminiscent of Hitler and Stalin; this is something that has not been seen with this global reach since the Second World War. The total suppression of civil society in Russia is another aspect that stands out. Behind it is a will to destroy that has nothing human left in it and leaves no room for it. To allow oneself to be financed by someone like that is to support what Shostakovich, for example, suffered from. To not even begin to notice this is an astonishing degree of naivety on Gergiev’s part. And even if much of what he does is musically excellent – for years I hardly missed a concert near me myself – today one has to agree with Martin Grubinger, who already states with regard to T. Currentzis, who continues to conduct in the West, that for him he is no longer an artist because he takes money that is connected to the Russian state. In view of a possible war between China and Taiwan, we should make sure that we keep our distance before we have to. In any case, “change through trade” (and contact) has failed thoroughly in both states.

  • Nina says:

    A completely secret competition.

  • Paulo says:

    I see many people here are suffering of RTSD: Russian Traumatic Stress Disorder. The hipocrisy is mindblowing, the ignorance about Russia too.

    • Brettermeier says:

      “The hipocrisy is mindblowing, the ignorance about Russia too”

      Fuck you. Your ruzzian friends just tried to kill a friend of mine today in Kyiv. Again.