How to fake a music director audition

How to fake a music director audition


norman lebrecht

June 11, 2023

The hopelessly misdirected Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil in Ecuador has called an open audition for a music director to replace the one its latest amateur manager (pic) perversely fired.

The ‘audition’ began two days ago and ends in 48 hours.

The announcement reads: ‘Open convocation! The Guayaquil Symphony Orchestra is looking for its next Principal Artistic Director. If you have experience as a symphony orchestra conductor, review the requirements and apply. Join us and help foster a culture of peace in Ecuador.’

This horrible saga is not being reported in Ecuadorian media. will continue to keep an eye on the situation.


  • trumpetherald says:

    Well,it´s not exactly the hub of the orchestra world.

    • Luis Muñoz says:

      Estoy de acuerdo, pero lo que hablamos es el mal trato de un profesional bajo la supervisión de gente con nada de conocimiento del puesto, de corrupción por manejar una caja de dinero haciendo que la gente pague entradas para lo que la orquesta no fue creada.
      Para alertar a otros musicos que quieran ir y se encuentren con esta nefasta administración.

      • Peter San Diego says:

        Google translate, again:
        I agree, but what we are talking about is the bad treatment of a professional under the supervision of people with no knowledge of the position, of corruption for managing a cash flow (? — Google had “money box”) that makes people pay for tickets for which the orchestra was not created.
        [It is important] to alert other musicians who might want to apply and [then] find this disastrous administration.

    • Andrew Zaplatynsky says:

      Well actually, I heard that orchestra last September under the baton of David Harutyunyan, and it is a very fine ensemble.

  • Another Orchestral Musician says:

    Latin America being Latin America.

  • Luis Muñoz says:

    Por favor, traduzcan esta opinión al idioma inglés, la razón es de que no hablo ni escribo en ese idioma, gracias.
    En mi país solemos decir que es un mal chiste, la publicación de la ¡Convocatoria abierta!. En las formas, el pedido de datos de los postulantes y los requisitos para su inscripción. Además es la manager aficionado (muy bien descripta) la que decide al postulante elegido. Manager que posee un CV dibujado con datos muy pocos claros y nombramientos sin hechos fidedignos para rellenar renglones.
    Esta manager que se adelanta a la resolución judicial que se enfrenta al despedir injustificadamente al Mto y director musical de la orquesta que es poseedor de un impecable trayectoria musical, realizador, compositor; que le ha ofrecido al publico de Guayaquil y músicos locales las mejores obras universales y composiciones originarias del Ecuador .
    Mancha la honra de un verdadero profesional, impulsor de músicos instrumentistas que alcancen sus mejores interpretaciones, y asombra a aquellos que conocen la integridad del Mto Dante Anzolini.
    No podemos mas que ofendernos y dar apoyo al Mto Anzolini, de esta nefasta acción que dice ser manager musical. Las esferas musicales internacionales deben conocer el mal accionar por creerse tener el poder sobre otros.

    • Stan says:

      Gracias. Has tratado de llamar nuestra atención sobre la injusticia en esta situación.

    • Peter San Diego says:

      Per the above request, and thanks to Google translate (with minimal editing):
      Please, translate this opinion into English, the reason is that I do not speak or write in that language, thank you.
      In my country we usually say that the publication of the Open Call! is a bad joke: in the forms, the data request of the applicants and the requirements for their registration. In addition, it is the amateur manager (very well described) who decides the chosen applicant, a manager who has a CV filled with very unclear data and appointments without reliable facts to fill in the lines.
      This manager who anticipates the judicial resolution that she faces by unjustifiably dismissing the Maestro and musical director of the orchestra who has an impeccable musical career, director, composer; that has offered the public of Guayaquil and local musicians the best universal works and original compositions of Ecuador.
      It stains the honor of a true professional, a promoter of instrumentalist musicians who achieve their best performances, and amazes those who know the integrity of the Maestro Dante Anzolini.
      We can only be offended and give support to Maestro Anzolini, of this disastrous action by one who claims to be a music manager. International musical circles must know of the wrong actions taken to demonstrate power over others.

  • Mecky Messer says:

    FYI, Norman. Equadorian media is not aware such an orchestra even exists.

  • Fenway says:

    Lots of bananas come from there, and shrimp. Who cares about this country. However, the general manager is easy on the eyes…

  • Mick the Knife says:

    Maybe the next Danny Kaye will be discovered there?

    “After Kaye’s appearance, Mitropoulos remarked, “Here is a man who is not musically trained, who cannot even read music and he gets more out of my orchestra than I have.”

  • PHF says:

    Bigger orchestras in Latin America have done that for decades, they just fake better.

  • Mr. Ron says:

    Why give them any publicity, Norman?

    I can just hear them now: “Under my inspired leadership, a call we made appeared on Slipped Disc.” Ugh!

  • Kevin Scott says:

    After reading these articles, who in their right mind would be crazy enough to answer this call? I know many a conductor, myself included, would jump at an opportunity like this, but to work with someone who will only fire you based on their whim and wherewithal to exercise domineering power and not because you’re not up to the task of a directorship, would be downright desperate.