Alice leaves wonderland

Alice leaves wonderland


norman lebrecht

June 01, 2023

The leading English mezzo-soprano Alice Coote has walked out on IMG Artists to join Intermusica.

They are almost incoherent with excitement: We are delighted to announce that mezzo-soprano Alice Coote has joined Intermusica. Esteemed across the most important opera, concert and recital stages, Alice is considered one of the greatest artists of our time.

Let’s just add that Alice Coote is one of the most brave and thoughtful arists of today. She won’t have made the leap lightly.

Here she is recently at the Met.

photo © Chris Christodoulou


  • Christopher Clift says:

    Since Alice Coote is one of the most thoughtful of people, it is obvious she has not made this decision lightly. Love her voice!

  • William Evans says:

    Whenever I watch such ‘death scenes’, I’m struck by just how robust the soon-to-be-departed seem!