Coronation TV – what to eat?

Coronation TV – what to eat?


norman lebrecht

May 05, 2023

As  our readers settle down to watch the Coronation of King Charles III live on television around the world there will be only one question on everyone’s lips:  ‘What to eat while watching a British Coronation?’  The Royal Family’s website is urging loyal citizens to partake of a ‘deep quiche with a crisp, light pastry case and delicate flavours of Spinach, Broad Beans and fresh Tarragon. Eat hot or cold with a green salad and boiled new potatoes – perfect for a Coronation Big Lunch!’

Needless to say Slippedisc subscriptions director, Elbie Lebrecht, has a different suggestion for sophisticated culinary readers.  Obviously you need to have a cup of tea in one hand and what goes better with a cup of tea than a piping hot scone?   Here is our tried and tested recipe for Sultana Scones which many generations of Slippediscquettes have thrived on.  It is such an old recipe handed down the generations (like our Royal Family) that the ingredients are in ounces but we have converted the figures to grams:

8 oz (225 grams)  plain flour + 4 level teaspoons of baking powder

pinch of salt

2 oz (60 grams)  margarine or butter

2 oz (60 grams) sultanas (rinse first)

Greek style yoghurt to mix

  1. Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7
  2. Sieve together flour and baking powder
  3. Rub in margarine or butter
  4.  Stir in sultanas
  5. Mix to a soft rolling consistency with the yoghurt
  6.  Roll out on a board sprinkled with flour and cut into 2″ (5 cms) round shapes (we favour a dainty size scone)
  7. Place on a baking sheet and brush the tops with with beaten egg
  8. Bake for 10 minutes until scones have risen and are golden brown
  9.  Eat hot or cold the same day.  Serve with a choice of delicious butter, jam or clotted cream

Variations on a theme

  1. Brown scones: use half wholemeal and half white flour
  2.  Currant or Date scones:  use currants or chopped moist dates instead of sultanas
  3.  Ginger scones: add 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger to the flour and add 2 ozs (60 grams) finely chopped crystallized ginger
  4.  Spiced scones:  add 1 teaspoon each of mixed spice, cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg to the flour and for extra sweetness add 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

God save the King!


  • Keith Clark says:

    Coronation Egg Salad Sandwiches!

  • Gustavo says:

    I’ve made banane bread, and for lunch it’ll be Pizza Pappano.

  • Herr Doktor says:

    I wonder why they didn’t go with Steak Diana instead?

  • Una says:

    Oh, what a lovely nice recipe, and a bit of light relief and fun! Thanks, Norman!

  • Dave says:

    Cake, wasn’t it?

  • william osborne says:

    In memory of Diana, one could eat some of her favorite foods like minted lamb and bread and butter pudding–all very British. She is the one member of the royal family who never be forgotten.

  • PaulD says:

    At 5:00 am, I don’t trust my baking skills.

    I did like the Boyce and Walton/Rutter pieces. The Elgar at the end was a nice touch.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    How interesting that Sky News reports anti-monarchist protests but, just as the BBC in lockstep with all the other international MSM hypocrites, never gave any airtime to those protesting irrational and unfounded covid measures.

    Typical double standards. A plague on all their houses.

    • Maria says:

      But then Sky didn’t show all of the music before the main service as they were out there with the plebs!

  • Phillip says:

    Your American readers (such as myself) appreciate that you left in the English measurements.

    • Maria says:

      Recipes are now generally metric in Britain unless you are over 70! LOL! Great recipe as long as you don’t mix up both lots of measurements.