Polish orchestra picks pedigree UK director

Polish orchestra picks pedigree UK director


norman lebrecht

April 21, 2023

The NFM Leopoldinum Orchestra of Wroclaw has named the violinist Alexander Sitkovetsky as artistic director, starting later this year.

Sasha, 40, grew up in England and studied at the Menuhin School from the age of eight.

He is the nephew of violinist Dmitry Stkovetsky, great-nephew of pianist Bella Davidovich.


  • NYMike says:

    He also appears regularly with CMS/LC here in NY.

  • David K. Nelson says:

    The pedigree is even better and deeper than that as he is also the great-nephew of Yulian (Julian) Sitkovetsky, whose own father (his first teacher) was also a violinist of note. Moreover, Bella Davidovich’s mother was a famed musician (pianist and vocal coach at the Opera in Baku Azerbaijan), and HER father was the concertmaster.