Doctor is banned for life from attending Vienna Opera

Doctor is banned for life from attending Vienna Opera


norman lebrecht

April 14, 2023

A German gastroenterologist from Upper Franconia has been put on four months’ probation by a Vienna court and banned for life from the Opera after being convicted of disrupting a performance last October.

The doctor, 55, did not attend the hearing.

He reportedly threatened to ‘make mincemeat’ of his neighbour, an emeritus professor from Salzburg.

Report here.



  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Just a simple, ordinary academic dispute. Nothing to worry about.

  • samach says:

    1) Believe me, there were any number of my fellow concertgoers — talking, coughing, wrinkling candy wrappers, scrolling through cell phones, snoring, belching, farting — that I’d have like to make micemeats of.

    2) Of making mincemeats, pretty macabre expression, afterall, who would be the intended consumer of said made mincemeat? The gastroenterologist himself? Not very digestive. Glad he’s been banned for life, I’d hate to be seated next to Hannical Lecter.

  • Maria says:

    What they should do to the lot who also disrupted a show in Manchester the other week for singing along. No manners.

  • Dixie says:

    Mincemeat should have long been made of the new production! The “agressor” chose the wrong “object of his intentions”!

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    These Oberfränkische types, really…

  • Sam's Hot Car Lot says:

    Sad to see that even the intelligent and educated can be foolish hotheads.

  • Ross Amico says:

    Shades of Klondike Kat.

  • Robert HolmĂ©n says:

    I’m going to say the doctor skipped his medication. Irony.

  • Player says:

    This is what happens if the show is no good.

    The locals – even the Herr Doktor Professors – get restive.

  • Minnesota says:

    Sign the doctor for the next Sweeney Todd production. He would look good in the barber’s chair.

  • Soo Doe Nimh says:

    The odd preoccupation with certain professions exists also in Germany, I see.

    No headline would say “Software configuration management specialist arrested for extortion at string quartet performance,” but when it’s a doctor, the whole identity of the person becomes “DOCTOR.”

    • Hugo PreuĂŸ says:

      I guess it is the cultural expectation. Behavior and words that would be perfectly normal for a young soccer fan may seem abhorrent for an educated middle aged professional at a “high culture” event. Adding the information that the perpetrator is a doctor makes his behavior even more unacceptable, since the presumption would be “he should know better” – unlike, again, a soccer fan at a heated match…

  • Mystic Chord says:

    A gutless performance from the gastroenterologist …

  • Doc Martin says:

    I trust they were both struck off the medical register. They would in Ireland.