British diplomat gives $10m to Curtis Institute

British diplomat gives $10m to Curtis Institute


norman lebrecht

March 09, 2023

The Curtis Institute of Music has received $10 million from Penelope P. Watkins, a longtime member of its board of trustees.

The money will bolster the Penelope P. Watkins Ensemble in Residence programme, presently supporting the Dover Quartet.

Ms. Watkins grew up in the United Kingdom and attended the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. She taught English before working for the British Foreign Office in London and the Netherlands, and then for the United Nations in the office of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). In 1965, Ms. Watkins relocated to Pennsylvania where she became involved in various cultural, art and charitable interests. In addition to her service to Curtis, she is a member of the president’s council at the Natural Lands Trust, a member of the Maestro’s Circle of The Philadelphia Orchestra, and is on the Chairman’s Council of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.


  • Viola says:

    what a great picture! too bad the violist is no longer with the quartet, who held the group together! should double check to see if the money was for the previous quartet or current…

    • Get a life says:

      If you’re a musician, go practice. If not, go put on an album, draw a bubble bath, and eat some chocolate covered strawberries. Either way, go do something of actual use.

    • Yazid says:

      Looks like the Dovers had a hugely successful year without her so I’m sure they going to be just golden

  • Quar says:

    didn’t the first violinist set up a coup to replace the violist? can someone explain why he did that

    • Mark says:

      Not at all, the violist left of her own choice. This pathetic rumor was probably started by the violist herself, who can’t bear to see that the quartet can survive without her. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

  • Colin48 says:

    Would I be right in saying that Penelope P. Watkins ceased being a British diplomat more than 57 years ago?

  • Anon says:

    I’m surprised she didn’t give the money to fund a more vibrant, innovative, entrepreneurial, imaginative, relevant group like the Jack Quartet.
    The Dover is good, but in the areas of ponticello, col legno, and sul tasto tremolo con sordino, the Jack is so much better.

    • MWnyc says:

      I think the JACK Quartet may not need the support as much. They do pretty well for themselves. By now they’re moving into the slot long occupied by the Kronos Quartet.

  • Hmus says:

    As much as this philanthropy is appreciated here in Philadelphia, the Academy of Vocal Arts just down the street, though a smaller operation (no pun intended) is equally deserving!

  • Disgust says:

    I didn’t know Joel Link was a mean person like that to Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt! Someone call the bully police! Disgusting!

    • Truth Seeker says:

      Where are you getting these ridiculous fabrications and lies? You might consider fact checking before spreading such shameful misinformation and slandering the good name of one of the most humble, kind, and genuine people in the business!

  • anono says:

    congrats to them on a very generous donation which shows their high level of playing. I don’t personally know this dram between the first violinist and the former violist but it seems like it’s old news and it was dealt with. perhaps the first violinist has repented and is a better person through this process. let’s give him a second chance.