Paris is last into streaming

Paris is last into streaming


norman lebrecht

March 31, 2023

The Paris National Opera has just popped a new streaming platform, Paris Opera Play, known as Pop.

It has a back catalogue of 80 opera films and will open with a live transmission Friday 7 at 7:30pm of Gustav Dudamel conducting: Nixon in China, a topical opera about a US president who is indicted for crimes.

Unfortunately, the press kit crashed on takeoff this morning.

Good luck with the stream. You can register for free but each opera costs 14.90 Euros.


  • BP says:

    A single opera is 14.90 euros but a monthly subscription gives you full access to all streams for 9.90 euros. Not shilling for the Paris Opéra but I felt like this deserved to be pointed out.

  • Gene Gaudette says:

    Correction: Nixon was never indicted.