Dogs wanted for orchestral audition

Dogs wanted for orchestral audition


norman lebrecht

March 31, 2023

Only Danes could post this without cracking up:

Audition: We are looking for dogs to participate in a concert during the Haydn Festival 2023

When we, together with chief conductor Adam Fischer, welcome you to this year’s Haydn Festival on 1 – 3 September, there will be very special four-legged guests on stage. During the festival, we will play the rarely performed work by Leopold Mozart, his so-called Hunting Symphony, in which dogs have a prominent and important soloist role.

Dog owners are therefore invited to an open dog audition on April 13 at 15.00 in Musikhuset Copenhagen, where you are welcome to bring your dog.

Practical info: Your dog must have undergone basic dog training in order to attend the audition, i.e. that it must be able to do basic things such as sitting, covering and possibly pay off.

If a dog is selected, it will be given basic training so that it can start and stop barking on command. In addition, the owner will receive four tickets to the concert.

You can already now you can practice getting your dog to start and stop barking on command. There will be a string quartet at the audition who will play, so your dog has something to “lean” on.

Time and place of audition

Date: Thursday 13 April

Time: At 15:00.

Location: Musikhuset Copenhagen, Vesterbrogade 59, 1620 Copenhagen.

Registration must be made to Adam Simonsen at no later than April 7.

The jury consisting of Adam Fischer, director Andreas Vetö and dog trainer Mikkel Røjkjær are very much looking forward to seeing the talented dogs and accompanying owners at the audition.

See more about this year’s festival at:


  • Dave says:

    Ahem, a day early maybe…

  • Fenway says:

    I sure hope the first round is behind a curtain.

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    I never like animals on stage, something always goes wrong.

  • Joel Kemelhor says:

    Leopold Mozart’s “Hunting Symphony” does require the sound of barking dogs.

    In performance, pre-recorded audio has been used — but why not let some of the musicians make barking sounds on cue ?

    “How were the violas last night ?” ” RUFF !!!”

  • Pacer1 says:

    Ah, the Great Danes. I wonder if Fischer is looking for dogs that ‘woof’, ‘howl’, ‘bark’ or ‘yip’. He might consider Old Danish Pointing Dogs if they will be located near the podium. Or, the Finnish Spitz if closer to the brass. As he has also programmed the last six of Haydn’s London Symphonies maybe Cavalier King Charles Spaniels would be a more scholarly choice.

    • Peter San Diego says:

      It depends: what were Leopold’s hunters hunting? If badgers, then dachshunds would be appropriate; if stags, then a larger breed…

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Chihuahuas don’t bother to apply.

  • JubJub says:

    Presumably any English dogs will need a work permit?

  • Fenway says:

    While I am certain that this comment will seem rather rude to some that read it, I felt compelled to say that when I first read the headline of this article I thought the audition was for less than attractive female(or those who identify as female)artists.

  • Robin Blick says:

    Bark should be a doddle.

  • Herbie G says:

    Franz von Suppé was a Dalmatian. Then there’s Hugo Wolf. Loeffler was an Alsatian by residence.

  • Guest says:

    Talking dog joke:
    A guy brings his talking dog to a talent agent. Says the dog can answer questions. Agent, skeptical, says “OK, you’ve got two minutes. Let’s see what Fido can do.” Guy: “OK Fido, who was a great baseball slugger?” Fido: “Ruuuuuth!” Guy” What’s on a tree?” Fido: “BARRRRK!” Agent: “This is ridiculous. Hurry up.” Guy: “OK, Fido, name a famous 20c composer” Fido: “ORRRRRRRFFFF!” Agent: :”Get lost”. After Fido and his owner leave the office, Fido asks: “What? Should I have said Stockhausen?”

  • Joel Lazar says:

    Every bit as serious as the Zinman/Zurich auditions for cowbells!

  • Anon says:

    The MET’s Rosenkavalier has 5 attractive dogs in the cast who were featured in an intermission interview with Deborah Voigt yesterday at the Live in HD broadcast: 2 afghan hounds, 2 Russian borzois & a lovely sheltie who was a rescue. They were all very intelligent. The borzoi owner takes her dogs onstage as an extra in the cast & said they recognize their entrance music before she does!

  • Alasdair Munro says:

    No Scheidt?