News from another planet

News from another planet


norman lebrecht

February 01, 2023

Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, has updated its priorities.

This is what schools of music are expected to do:
Eastman School of Music, at the University of Rochester, is proud to announce that it will host the inaugural Context Conference: Contextualizing Equity and Inclusion in Music on November 3-4, 2023, in Rochester, NY. Conference Host Dr. Crystal Sellers Battle, Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion at Eastman, along with Dr. Lisa Beckley-Roberts, Chair and Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology at Jackson State University, are the keynote speakers.

The two-day conference will include breakout group sessions, pre-concert receptions, two performances, and more, framed around the following five areas:

Classroom Innovation
Curriculum Shift
Ensemble & Applied Area Repertoire and Performance Practice
Community Engagement
Recruitment and Retention

Currently, the conference is soliciting proposals for sessions.


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