London Philharmonic chief takes second job

London Philharmonic chief takes second job


norman lebrecht

November 11, 2022

Elena Dubinets, is Artistic Director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, has been appointed e Curator for The Cleveland Orchestra’s Mandel Opera & Humanities Festival: The American Dream.

That should be an interesting commute.

Elena says: ‘The music and stories explored at the Mandel Opera & Humanities Festival: The American Dream speak to such essential topics as the underlying social contract in the US, access to education, cultural displacement, lack of representation, racism, and migration. By
performing music created by composers of different nationalities, gender, skin color, and background we will initiate robust conversations about the American Dream by participants from across political, social, economic, and cultural spectrums. Community music events, film screenings, literary readings, exhibitions, scholarly presentations, and panel discussions will constitute the “humanities” portion of
the festival surrounding and inform The Cleveland Orchestra performances.’


  • Old Holborn says:

    “Portfolio careers” are precisely the problem in the arts sector.
    Director of this, Chair of the Board of that…the ambitious suits building personal empires whilst the purveyors of art languish in neglect.

    • deN Roarem says:

      I always noticed a lack of gravitas in programs performed by most touring artists, compared to those resident in the area. It takes time and thought, and intention, to connect with the local environment.

  • George says:

    Disgusting to leave the LPO in the lurch especially during these fraught days with ACE.

    As usual, no concept of loyalty towards the orchestra.

    • A says:

      London orchestras pay extremely poorly, and Cleveland has a lot of money in endowments. You want loyalty? Give your employees the means to live within the city they work in.

      • Robin Smith says:

        Vast numbers of people commute significant distances to work in London. Isn’t it a decision you make before accepting an appointment?

    • anon says:

      Quite. Especially when she’s so new to LPO. I could understand a bit of branching out after ten years or so maybe. But she only joined a year ago I think!

  • Tara Wilson says:

    Many congratulations, Elena! Sounds like an interesting and fruitful collaboration.

  • CA says:

    I’m sure she will e-commute then be flown in (no doubt to be paid for by the Cleveland Orchestra) for the actual performances/lectures etc. I’ll stop there.

  • deN Roarem says:

    I’m disgusted just reading about it. The number of things wrong here is staggering.