Leading mezzo: I use goat manure

Leading mezzo: I use goat manure


norman lebrecht

November 07, 2022

The hard-working international opera singer Elina Garanca has won a beekeppers award from the Austrian fruit-growing industry.

She tells a Vienna tabloid: ‘Of course I fertilize with goat manure, I also talk to the plants a lot. I’m a little proud of my biggest tomato. It weighed 780 grams.’

Good to know.


  • Ernest says:

    She is down to earth.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Horse manure is the best. It has more ammonium. No experience with goat manure, I will check that.

  • Maria says:

    God, Monday morning! Hope she enjoys her tomato and her goat poo! On toast next?

  • lamed says:

    Ok, I’ll bite, what is the Greatest of All Time manure?

  • Save the MET says:

    Perhaps pretty flowers, but after the installation of said substance, her garden must stink to high heaven.

    • Gardener says:

      Usually, one does not use fresh manure in the garden but rather composted one, which practically does not smell at all.
      And even when fresh, goat or sheep manure is not particularly odorous.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Her father had twenty-nine beehives, apparently, so she grew up – as so many in Eastern Europe at that time – with a more nature-orientated value system than we’ve had in our tech and sugar-based societies these last fifty years or so.
    Austria also has the largest amount of organic producers of any country in the world, too. Not sure whether it’s numerical or per capita, though.

  • Влад says:

    Nice work making us think it was for singing

  • Angela Giblin says:

    I love this! And also her singing, of course.

  • Donna E. Mobile says:

    Love her artistry and the voice is pure Baccarat, yet very capable of dramatic interpretation! And she keeps bees, wonderful!