8 Italian opera houses link up for free streaming

8 Italian opera houses link up for free streaming


norman lebrecht

October 14, 2022

Starting tonight, the opera companies of Emiglia Romana will be free-streaming operas on Youtube.

The first offering is Simon Boccanegra from Verdi’s town, Parma.

It’s at 8pm local time, 3pm New York.

The productions will be available to view on Youtube for six months.

Who’s paying for it? The Italian culture ministry.

Click here.


  • Peter San Diego says:

    “Who’s paying for it? The Italian culture ministry.”

    This encapsulates one of the problems with orchestral and operatic music in the U.S. (referring to the previous post). Lacking any consistent state support for the art forms forces some U.S. orchestras, scrambling to stay financially viable day to day, to avoid taking risks that might pay off in the longer term.

  • Antwerp Smerle says:

    Thanks for posting this. A rare opportunity to see (in HD) and hear the 1857 version of Simon Boccanegra. For anglophones, it’s a pity that the subtitles are only in Italian.

    But I’m still looking forward to another little-known piece later in the season, one indeed of which I have never heard. It’s called “Der Fliedermouse” (sic)…

    • Antwerp Smerle says:

      I did some research and found that “Der Fliedermouse” is one of those one-hit-wonders like Calalani’s “La Wally”. The only memorable number in the opera is the wistful monologue “Was duftet doch der Fliedermouse”, sung by Hans Sachsenstein.

  • Una says:

    The good old Italian Magic Money Tree!

  • RW2013 says:

    Finally the first performance of Franchettis Don Buonaparte!
    Thanks for the tip!

  • Fritz Grantler says:

    Now the whole world can hear at the dire state of operatic singing in Italy today…