A conductor with ALS needs our help

A conductor with ALS needs our help


norman lebrecht

September 05, 2022

The well-known American conductor Thomas Sleeper has been incapacitated with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

A member of the Cherokee nation, he was Director of Orchestral Activities at the University of Miami until 2018 and gave the Chinese premiere of Mahler’s fifth symphony.

He has composed five symphonies in his own right and much more.

Now, his family in Miami need help to cope with the advance of the terrible disease.

You can contribute here.


  • Enrique Sanchez says:

    Lost my best friend to ALS, it is a mercilessly nervous system disease. 🙁

  • soavemusica says:

    In the US, you don`t have to pay taxes, but it is no place to have a severe illness.

    They ridicule “socialized medicine”, which the rest of the West has chosen. No such term for “socialized military”…

    I guess Margaret Thatcher was a socialist, then. Even she accepted that for-profit health care is not healthy.