US quartet replaces its violist
NewsThe Borromeo String Quartet, resident at the New England Conservatory, has recruited Melissa Reardon as its new violist, starting immediately.
She replaces Mai Motobuchi and automatically joins the faculty of NEC.
The Dover Qt. is also in the process of replacing its founding violist.
Chicago needs a principal violist.
Which one of the two violists is pictured, or is it Jia Kim?
That’s Melissa, and she’s awesome
A July 26 Instagram post by the quartet shares that Ms Motobuchi is “retiring from performing” but will remain on the faculty at the New England Conservatory full-time.
After 22 years, it’s understandable.
Quartet residencies can be complicated for institutions as the quartet may wish to hire a new player who then becomes faculty; and similarly the question arises as to what happens the other way around. Was there an issue with the Cavani Quartet at Cleveland some years ago in this regard?
Miss Reardon plays beautifully and attends the NEC herself.