Two newspapers link Placido Domingo to LatAm sex gang

Two newspapers link Placido Domingo to LatAm sex gang


norman lebrecht

August 17, 2022

La Nacion of Argentina and El Observador of Uruguay are reporting the contents of audio tapes that were seized by Buenos Aires police in a series of coordinated raids to smash a criminal cult, known as the Geishado VIP.

La Nacion reports: ‘In the last few hours, after the seizure of 37 properties, 13 cars and the freezing of assets of those charged by the Villa Crespo sect, one of the wiretaps that appears in the case emerged and involves the Spanish opera singer Plácido Domingo.

‘In the series of audios, an alleged sexual encounter of the tenor with a woman who is part of the sect known as “Mendy” in the audios in which he interacts with her in Spanish and also with the “Maestro” of the organization, Juan Percowicz.’

You can read further details here and here.

Placido Domingo is presently performing a poorly attended arena concert in Mexico.


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