Star cancels Salzburg to do more Pilates

Star cancels Salzburg to do more Pilates


norman lebrecht

August 10, 2022

Message from mezzo-soprano Anita Rachvelishvili, who has withdrawn from singing Amneris in Aida:

My dear friends!
Since there is lots of misunderstanding and talks about my cancellations in last few months I wanted to let you know that I am well! My body is not in full singing shape after the birth of Lileana.
I had a Natural and difficult birth!
I still have terrible pain in my back sometimes and doing physiotherapy and pilates to help myself and my diaphragm to work again like before and even better!
My voice is healthy and sounds like always! I’ve been trying too hard since January to get back in shape but I will not be back till I feel that I am perfectly in shape! 💪🏽🙌🏼
So please stop inventing stories about me loosing my voice or nonsense like this!
I will be back very very very soon and I hope those who understand how difficult is to be a mother and singer will be there to support and give positivity!

Anita has been replaced by Eve-Maud Hubeaux. We wish her a speedy resumption.


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