Glenn Gould turns 90

Glenn Gould turns 90


norman lebrecht

August 30, 2022

It hardly seems possible he has been gone so long or remained so youthful in our minds.

The Canadian icon would have turned 90 on September 25. He died on October 4, 1982, aged just 50.

His native Toronto is putting on a week of events.



  • Mike Browne says:

    What a silly headline! ‘Forever 50’ would be more appropriate given his untimely death – just as ‘forever 82’ would describe the late Leonard Cohen sitting alongside Gould.
    However, two undeniably great Canadian performers who will always deserve our gratitude.

  • MD says:

    A deceased person cannot ‘turn 90’.

  • MR says:

    Perhaps where they are, Glenn and Leonard are consulting with Johannes about a disagreement they had seventy years ago.

    • herb says:

      And then they are having a chuckle about how Glenn, in the final performance that weekend, with a twinkle in his eye, took off at top speed in the finale.