Chailly drops out at Lucerne

Chailly drops out at Lucerne


norman lebrecht

August 17, 2022

Riccardo Chailly was prevented by illness from conducting tonight’s Mahler first symphony at the Lucerne Festival.

No further detail has been given.

Jakub Hrusa, arriving early for Friday’s concert, jumped in.

Czech sources say there was no rehearsal.


  • Barry Guerrero says:

    With those players, it probably went perfectly fine. They know Mahler 1 backwards and forwards.

    • Kaf says:

      True, but at that level, both conductor and orchestra want to produce a worthy performance, not just a performance without wrong notes!

      Anyone of us can stand motionless in front of the Berlin Philharmonic and the orchestra will produce a decent Brahms symphony on autopilot.

      But that’s not what the game is about at the highest level of artistry.

      • Barry Guerrero says:

        I didn’t say it was the same thing – “probably went perfectly fine” is different from saying it was ‘stupendous’, or had an interesting interpretive twist (which is highly unlikely these days, because all manor of ‘interpretive twists’ have already been tried).