Anyone remember the ISCM?

Anyone remember the ISCM?


norman lebrecht

August 15, 2022

Also known as the IGNM – Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik – it was the driving force in new music for several decades after an initial blast in Salzburg in 1922.

This year is its centenary.

Anyone around to raise a glass for contemporary music?


  • Kenny says:


    (I mean that in the affirmative sense.)

  • orchestra manager says:

    For sure! I remember the ISCM very well. I became its Secretary General in 1982. and kept this duty for nine years, working with two presidents, Professor Siegfried Palm (until 1988) followed by the Polish composer and pianist Zygmunt Krauze . A great time where we met and listened to hundreds of new works by known and not known composers.

    So: cheers to the ISCM!

  • Titian says:

    You mean the ISSQEAKFART?

  • Fiddlist says:

    Centenary in New Zealand, c’mon down!

  • For crying out loud says:

    The short answer is no, and the long answer is nooooooooooooooooo.

  • Ann Summers Dossena says:

    How well I remember. I produced the Gunther Schuller 20th Centuries Innovation series at Carnegie Hall in the 1960’s when the hall was saved. It was one of the first of four series presented by Carnegie. Happy anniversary!

  • zw says:

    Seeing how many people seem to believe these days that the ideal composer should be a musical equivalent to Bob Ross (and how many composers are all too happy to oblige), I’d say groups like ISCM are necessary more than ever. Ad multos annos!

  • Freewheeler says:

    Contemporary “music”? No thanks. I’d rather listen to the 1812 Overture again.

  • Imbrod says:

    I sure do. The 1976 Festival fell during my first term at New England Conservatory, where the concerts were held. As a student usher, I heard at least parts of most of the programs. George Perle, premiering his Six Etudes, literally left blood on the keyboard (thanks to a torn hangnail). A very heady atmosphere.