Leading US quartet loses its violist

Leading US quartet loses its violist


norman lebrecht

July 04, 2022

The Curtis-based Dover Quartet, presently in mid-Beethoven cycle, have parted company with violist Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt.

Here’s the statement:

Big news from the Dovers:
Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt will be departing the Dover Quartet at the conclusion of our summer season in August to pursue other musical interests and opportunities. It is bittersweet that our time making music with our dear friend and colleague is coming to an end, but we are excited for the new ventures ahead of her. Please join us in wishing Milena all the best! The odds of having had such a wonderful run were a Milen-a-one, but we did it 😊.
Meanwhile, stay tuned!! We look forward to sharing exciting news about our new violist in the not-too-distant future!


  • LP says:

    Phenomenal musicians, all of them. Wishing Milena and the reconfigured quartet all the best.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    What’s next for her? A faculty position? Another quartet? isn’t Northwestern near Chicago?

    A principal position in an orchestra?
    Has Chicago SO not been searching a principal viola player?
    This one seems rather plausible.

    Or maybe a soloist role?

    When I left Chicago in ‘78 it was still a wonderful city, and chewing gum was part of watching the Cubbies.

  • Monty Earleman says:

    String Quartet- the most difficult medium in which to thrive, both technically and personally. A marriage between 4 people, with none of the benefits. A miracle when it works and continues with the same 4 players for any length of time. And, the most sublime…..