Exclusive: Brussels conductor defects to Russia

Exclusive: Brussels conductor defects to Russia


norman lebrecht

July 08, 2022

The veteran freelance conductor Alexander Ali Rahbari has accepted an invitation from Valery Gergiev to work at the Mariinsky Theatre.

He is the first western musician to break sanctions against the Putin regime.

Rahbari, 74, is an Iranian exile, a former chief of the Brussels Philharmonic.

Here is his explanation.




  • FrauGeigerin says:

    He will not be writing speeches for Putin, he will not be supporting the war in Ukraine, he is not supporting any ideology… He is just a conductor who will be conducting concerts, and making a living for him and his family in a world that prefers youth, looks, and show on the podium over experience and real musicianship. Not everyone can afford to choose ideology over bread, ok?

    I think he is an Austrian citizen.

    • Amos says:

      Unlike many of the citizens of Ukraine I doubt if he is lacking in bread or any other modern convenience. This is the action of someone who is devoid of humanity when it interferes with the opportunity for a photo op or any other activity which makes him seem culturally relevant. He is being used for propaganda and will be conducting concerts with the approval and support of a fascist dictator who controls every aspect of life in Russia. Seems eerily similar to those who justified concertizing in axis countries during WWII claiming music and politics must never mix. Try telling that to those who are victims of russian atrocities.

    • Mark Stephenson says:

      He is an Austrian citizen. He has no need for the bread to support him and his family, he is a wealthy man.

      • FrauGeigerin says:

        Going to Russia to perform does not mean supporting the war or the Russian foreign and domestic policies. It is not making propaganda. It is just making music.

  • Rob Keeley says:

    Utterly contemptible. Follow the money…

  • CJ says:

    Why “Brussels conductor”? He is Iranian, has been conductor of the then Flemish radio orchestra only from 1988 to 1996 and has worked with 120 orchestras un the world, including the Berliner Philharmoniker!

    • Diane Valerie says:

      Because the mere word “Brussels” is useful clickbait to appeal to all manner of slavering nut jobs!

  • Kerryn says:

    Accepting an invitation (rightly or wrongly) is hardly the same as defecting…

  • Keyvan Yahya says:

    Such a fruitful collaboration between two giants of contemporary classical music will undoubtedly bring along ultimate grandeur to captivate the hearts beating as one through these wretched days. Quite unprecedented in essence, this event successfully shook off and challenged the rotten code of conduct that has been working in favor of canceling and silencing cultural productions to please a bunch of politicians.

    • Amos says:

      president for life putin thanks you and your free 2-week stay at the Black Sea resort of your choice is all set.

  • Zandonai says:

    Say Persian not Brussels conductor.
    In any case I like him.