Another hymn to Richard Taruskin in the NY Times

Another hymn to Richard Taruskin in the NY Times


norman lebrecht

July 04, 2022

The paper has published its second worshipful tribute to the late musicologist, this one by his former disciple and NY Times editor:

The international acclaim that Richard achieved was all merited and wonderful, but for me it does not eclipse some of my favorite memories of him, as a youngish performer in New York. Whenever I hear the viola da gamba solos in the Bach Passions played politely and limply, as they so often are, I yearn to hear Richard, whose gamba playing had the same grit and guts and flair as his writing….

No balancing opinion is offered about Taruskin’s polemical distortions, his reckless fight-picking, his academic bullying and his overweening vanity. (But don’t go looking for balance in the Times.)

The prolific Taruskin really deserves better.

Tim Page’s appreciation in the Washington Post is the best so far.



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