A loyal salute from the Queen of Spades

A loyal salute from the Queen of Spades


norman lebrecht

June 02, 2022

Platinum Jubilee celebrations are ringing out all over England today.  Keen to participate, OperaVision have sent us an uplifting song from Tchaikovsky’s Queen of Spades sung by the Stanislavsky Music Theatre .

‘At last the Lord has sent us a sunny day.
Sweet air, beautiful sky, just like a May day.
How delightful it is to stroll all day long!
Many years have gone by
Since we have seen such weather
In days of old, we had finer summers, autumns and springs.’



  • Player says:

    Only “ringing out all over England”? Nay… all over the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories. (And in some slightly strange places in America and Bavaria, but that is another story.)

  • Gustavo says:

    The Queen of Hearts
    She made some tarts…