Breaking: Herbert Blomstedt will miss his 95th birthday
NewsThe veteran conductor is laid up in hospital after a fall.
Message from the Gewandhausorchester:
Zu unserem großen Bedauern müssen wir mitteilen, dass die geplanten Auftritte von Herbert Blomstedt bei »Klassik airleben« am 15./16. Juli abgesagt werden müssen. Um die Folgen eines Sturzes vollständig zu kurieren, ist eine Phase der Rehabilitation erforderlich, die es unserem Ehrendirigenten nicht erlaubt, nach Leipzig zu reisen.
Wir sind der Dirigenten Susanna Mälkki sehr dankbar, dass sie die Open-Air-Konzerte »Klassik airleben« anstelle von Herbert Blomstedt dirigieren wird. Dadurch ergibt sich eine kleine Programmänderung, die Solistenkonzerte werden jedoch wie geplant aufgeführt. Susanna Mälkki gibt mit diesen beiden Konzerten ihr lange erwartetes Debüt beim Gewandhausorchester. Dies war bereits für Juni 2021 geplant, musste aber aufgrund der Folgen der Corona-Pandemie abgesagt werden.
Wir wünschen Herbert Blomstedt alles Gute und schnelle Besserung und freuen uns auf das Debüt von Susanna Mälkki beim Gewandhausorchester!
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Herbert Blomstedt’s planned performances at “Klassik airleben” on July 15 and 16 have to be cancelled. To fully cure the consequences of a fall, he requires a phase of rehabilitation which does not allow our honorary conductor to travel to Leipzig.
We are very grateful to conductor Susanna Mälkki that she will conduct the open-air concerts “Klassik airleben” instead of Herbert Blomstedt. This results in a small program change, however, the solo concerts will be performed as planned. Susanna Mälkki makes her long-awaited debut at the Gewandhaus Orchestra with these two concerts. This was already planned for June 2021 but had to be cancelled due to impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
We wish Herbert Blomstedt all the best and a speedy recovery and look forward to the debut of Susanna Mälkki at the Gewandhaus Orchestra!
Even though Herbert will not be able to travel to Leipzig, I very, VERY much hope that he won’t miss his 95th birthday.
Not a good age at which to fall and fracture. My thoughts are with him. Get up and about, sir, as quickly as feasible.
Miss his birthday party, not missing his birthday, ptui ptui ptui.
Remember? Herbert Blomstedt already suffered a fall in early 2017.That´s why he conducted seted for a brief period,including his 90th birthday Bruckner 5 with the Bamberg Symphony.
Greastest sympathy to this Trojan of the podium. Happy Birthday, Maestro.
It is hard to get around when you are 80.
95. Must be harder.
We miss him in San Francisco and await his return as guest conductor. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Maestro Blomstedt!
His recordings of Sibelius are stupendous.
The 100th is more important. Get well soon.
Every time he appeared with the CSO recently, I was aware of what a gift it was to still have him with us. I tried to remind myself not to take a moment of it for granted. I remember nearly 40 years ago when Tennstedt still came through town. I was young, and didn’t realize that these extraordinarily rare people wouldn’t be around forever.
I fervently hope that we will see Maestro Blomstedt again here in Chicago.
Stop holding on to a mummy. There are about 3,298 young conductors, absolutely ready to take his place. Longevity IS NOT necessarily a sign for greatness….stop bragging and look around, open your eyes. Stop copying each other monkeys.
Mummies are embalmed dead people. Having just heard Maestro Blomstedt in London with the Philharmonia give an amazing Bruckner 7th, I assure you that he is no mummy, and his music making has far more life than most of your “thousands” of young conductors could impart.
When I saw the headline I assumed the worst. Glad that Mr Blomstedt is still among us.