Salzburg’s Helga starts new Vienna job

Salzburg’s Helga starts new Vienna job


norman lebrecht

May 31, 2022

The former Salzburg Festival President Helga Rabl-Stadler begins work tomorrow at the Foreign Ministry in Vienna. She has been appointed special adviser for foreign culture and will be responsible for ‘the further development of Austria’s cultural presence abroad’.

Helga, 73, is reportedly delighted.

After 27 years in charge at Salzburg, she knows the politics of culture as well as anyone.

However, dissident voices are saying that, in recent years, she delivered Salzburg into the hands of Putin’s trustees and that she should not be allowed anywhere near political influence until the likes of Gergiev and Currentzis are removed from the stage.

Read here.


  • Henry williams says:

    Is she short of money thar she needs to work aged 73..

  • Tiredofitall says:

    Not to be ageist, but shouldn’t a position such as this be given to a younger person who has a better perspective and sense of the current state of culture, as well as someone who can offer a substantial term of service?

    Or is this simply a political favor. If so, then why not?

  • Gustavo says:

    Helga Rubel-Stadler

  • Alan says:

    Right. Because that’s the big issue. Small support from Russia for Salzburg.

    What should we do with Frau Merkl, who delivered the whole of Germany to Putin via a pipeline?????

    This website would want to get over itself.

    • Tamino says:

      What a nonsense. Merkel was quite reserved toward Putin, unlike her predecessor Schröder. (to who‘s time, to his defense, Putin was not what he is today.)