Vienna’s Tristan: Bare bottoms and kids on a swing

Vienna’s Tristan: Bare bottoms and kids on a swing


norman lebrecht

April 14, 2022

First pictures have been released ahead of tomorrow night’s premiere of the Calixto Bieito production.



  • zayin says:

    the poor choristers, banal nudity is boring, and the average body is just not that interesting to look at

    I’m not against nudity per se, but clothing was invented for a reason, to make the body more pleasing, otherwise your average well-fed middle class person is just sagging sacks of flesh and fat

  • Petros Linardos says:

    I feel lucky and privileged to have attended Vienna’s Everding production of Tristan.

  • Karl says:


  • Karl says:

    Every booooh one to less

  • Clem says:

    Can’t wait to see this production by one of opera’s most challenging and stimulating directors on May 1st. His Lady McBeth of the Mstsensk District in Antwerp was the strongest theatrical performance I have ever seen on an opera stage, and his blasphemous Parsifal in Stuttgart is on of the most significant Parsifal productions of this young century.

    (Memo to the haters: I see between 20 and 30 Wagner productions all over Europe each season. But by all means do comment if you know what you are talking about.)

    • Ragnar Danneskjoeld says:

      I agree that his Parsifal was magnificent. However, I have seen too many uninspired productions of his which have become quite repetitive and predictable. His Lohengrin in Berlin was just plain dull.

    • Helen says:

      Haters? If you have to demonise people who hold opinions you disagree with, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

  • Caractacus says:

    The obvious interpretation of this is that Tristan, Isolde and King Marke were swingers! As for the bare bottoms: looks like Act Two of Tristan has been transferred to one of Boris’ nighttime lockdown garden parties…

  • Hercule says:

    Controversy is the art of the untalented.

  • PaulD says:

    “Excuse me, sir. I thought I bought a ticket to Tristan, but this seems to be a revival of Oh, Calcutta! May I have a refund?”

  • Akutagawa says:

    The biggest problem with Bieito is that he doesn’t appear to have matured at all in 30 years. I remember seeing my first production of his (can’t even remember what it was now – Ballo in Maschera maybe?) at the ENO, and found it rather thrilling and transgressive, as I think you’re allowed to when you’re in your mid 20s. But everything since has been more of the same, with ever diminishing returns. I’ve changed, he hasn’t. What’s next I wonder? HMS Pinafore where Josephine (and probably Ralph too) get raped by Dead-eyed dick? Das Land des Lächelns set in Srebrenica? It’s all just too tedious for words, and serious houses should simply stop hiring him until he comes back with some new ideas.

    • JB says:

      That’s a bit the problem with this whole generation of opera directors (Beito, Warlikowski, Tcherniakov,…): Some good ideas and convincing productions in the beginning, but then the same mannerisms are repeated all over again. This being said, I saw Beito’s production of Reimann’s King Lear in Paris a couple of years ago which was well crafted without shock effect, so luckily
      there are exceptions.

  • M McAlpine says:

    Does anyone actually pay to see this tripe? Or do they pay you to sit through it?

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Wonderful! Precisely as Wagner wanted it done, but was afraid to do.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Wagner always wanted to do Regietheater, he only never told anyone. In Cosima’s diary we read, on monday evening 3rd of August 1874: ‘R. came down from his checking the passage of the Rheinmädl, and said, over the port: ‘I would love to do Regietheater, but please don’t write that down and don’t tell anybody. They will do it much better in the next century.’

  • Sue Sonata Form says:


  • Wut? says:

    Is it bad that I first read this as “Bare bottoms and skids on a swing”?

  • Bloom says:

    Bare bottoms are there for the moronic booers.

  • Bostin'Symph says:

    Oh, I see: they’re bare bottoms in the photograph! I thought it was a bicycle rack.

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    What Calixto Beito fears most is . . . being ignored.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Let’s face it: if this fraud had been called Horst Müller, people would have stopped hiring him decades ago.

  • Joannie says:

    Avante-gard sexiness. How nice.

  • Ms.Melody says:

    Signor Bieito is a deeply disturbed man. His productions prove that he belongs in a sanatorium. Instead, he is employed by the top opera houses who can’t pay him enough to destroy the great operas.
    Something is wrong with this picture.

  • IP says:

    The nice thing about Bieito is that he sticks to what he knows: lavatories, S/M, and . . . I forget if there is a third one. Same thing with Tcherniakov: once, when he was young, he saw an ugly room with brown wallpapers that struck him as the epitome of bourgeois luxury — and he has been recreating it ever since, regardless of which opera he is staging.

    • Ms. Melody says:

      I don’t think Tcherniakov ever got over the trauma of growing up, most likely, in a communal flat in the USSR. This is why he keeps producing operas that all take place in the drab Soviet era -looking surroundings. Pure PTSD. He is also of the opinion that nothing ever ends well, so he changes operatic stories to produce an alternate and always bad ending.
      Now, can someone explain to me
      Bartlett Sher’s obsession with long leather coats?

  • Minnesota says:

    The opera designer rule: If you can’t think of anything else to do, remove the clothes from some extras or members of the chorus.

  • Felix says:

    Why do singers agree to participate in such trash? Money, I suppose.

    • JS says:

      It’s their job, isn’t it? their opinion doesn’t interest anyone. And if they start to argue, they will get a label that they are “difficult” and no one will want to engage them.

  • kuma says:

    Grim… :/

  • Nick2 says:

    How ridiculous!