Frankfurt Opera drops its mask
NewsFrom tomorrow, operagoers in Frankfurt will not have to wear a mask – unless they want to, of course.
They are still asking patrons ‘to be sensible and not come to the theatre or go to any mixed gathering if we’re not feeling well.’
Other German concert halls and opera houses are still maintaining strict Covid protocols.
Hence a photo of…the BSO?
Not very smart at a time when Germany is running at 219 cases per 100,000. And considering the average age of classical concertgoers (some with pre-existing conditions), this seems very un-German of them. Das super-spreader?
Super spreader indeed. This time for sure, eh Frank?
Here in Austria we are running at 305 new cases per 100.000. The wiener opera- and concert-houses still require an FFP2 mask worn the entire time one is in the house, and proof of complete vaccination if you want to drink or eat anything.
“Not very smart”
Yup. But. Normally I’m really annoyed by people coughing during a concert. Now there’s a chance my evil wishes come true and it really is their last cough. Ah, well. 🙂
“Das super-spreader?”
Nope. Der Superspreader.
Der Superspreader (m)
Die Bekloppte (f)
Das Primatenhirn (n)
Die Superspreader (plural)
Die Bekloppten (plural)
Die Primatenhirne (plural)
Maybe they don’t pay enough attention to the news.
Wow, who is in charge of that orchestra, Trump?
I have recently been to a place that dropped the mask mandate. No vax card needed either. It’s at a music school in far upstate NY. It has become my favorite place in the entire world!
Those who wish to wear a mask might feel safer at home behind the sofa.
Covid is finished. It’s only the protection masochists and bedwetters who don’t want it to go away.
Nilsson looks old and out of shape here. A huge waist and big forearms. Let’s hope he shapes up. He’s a very good conductor.
Birgit Nelsons doesn’t look much better, either. Conductors’ waistlines very often expand in relation to their annual incomes.
Munich opera houses also!!!
Augsburg also.