The last cellist in Kharkiv keeps on playing Bach

The last cellist in Kharkiv keeps on playing Bach


norman lebrecht

March 24, 2022

The orchestral cellist Denys Karachevtsev comes out when the Russian bombing stops and films himself playing in the ruins of his town.

Denys celebrated his birthday two days ago with this Bach suite.

The surroundings are reminiscent of Sarajevo 1992 and Syrian cities today.

Denys writes: ‘My name is Denys Karachevtsev, I am a cellist and a citizen of Kharkiv. I love my heroic city which is now struggling to survive the war. I deeply believe that we can help. I believe we can restore and rebuild our city and our country when the war is over. I am launching my project I the streets of Kharkiv to raise funds for humanitarian aid and restoration of the city’s architecture. Let’s unite to revive our city together!’



  • Cara Cara Meravigliosa says:

    How heartbreaking. May his people find their home again someday.

  • STOP THE WAR says:

    Fantastic, courageous!
    We want you to survive in that city I know so well.

    Bach would be proud of you.

    “A direct telephone line to God”

  • Dumb question says:

    Heroism in the face of atrocity.
    Nice to hear the 5th prelude, instead of the 1st.
    Why is it always a cellist ?

  • R says:

    I thought Ukrainians suffer the war there. They keep producing theatrical scenes for the West’s Russia Phobia campaign. PR on people’s grief is miserably villain.

  • Karl says:

    That picture will make a great album cover someday.

  • Andrew says:

    I thought immediately of the film “The Pianist” and the irony that the Russians are playing the same part as murderous Nazi Germany did yet claim to be liberating 🙁